Spring Cleaning For Charity Link Party & $100 Lowes Giveaway- The Results!!

three boys

I am so excited to announce how much we all donated this spring! With just 8 people linking up at 33 comments we were still able to donate:

55 Bags of clothes
23 Car loads of house hold items
2 FULL panel trucks of house hold items!

Are you kidding me ladies??!!! This is amazing!

All of this was distributed to these wonderful charities

4 Local Churches
1 Women's Shelter
The Humane Society
Salvation Army
The Ronald McDonald House
Ann Arbor Autism Foundation
Family Services of Winnetka- Northfield Thrift Shop
The Kidney Foundation

I am speechless! I had set a goal for 50 bags donated but you all went above and beyond! Nicely done and thank you for participating.

And now for what you have been waiting for..... 

The winner of the $100 Lowes Gift Card is.......

The Fam, who wrote.
"I think this is so great. I'm excited to see the power of a collective group!"

Send me your address and I will send it right out to you!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to share this amazing blog I came across while hosting this link party. 

Her entire blog is dedicated to how she gives back in the world everyday. Take a look at this post that she linked up. 

Thanks again to everyone who linked up and commented you rock!! What do you think, should we do it again this fall?

Finish Your Spring Cleaning With One Of Shaklee's
Get Clean Kits! Free Membership through May 20th
with a $30 purchase!


  1. Awesome!! I forgot to link, but I had several bags of stuff :) Accumulated since winter. A Fall party would be awesome as I will be moving and purging lots more prior :)


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