Modern Striped Chair- The Arms

After the trauma of removing the original fabric I threw it out. I know, I know, bad idea. I just couldn't look at it anymore! So I had to measure the arms and back in order to cut the new fabric. No big deal it worked out just as well.

Put it in place and line it up.

First arm,

Second arm. Did you notice the left arm is not lined up exactly the same as the right? AH! Have to take it off and do it again. Grrrrr.

All better. And lastly the back.

As I am looking at these pictures I just noticed a little lump on the front! Have to fix that too.

 Next up the back and then the cushions. Almost there! 

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  1. If I buy one of these chairs, can you work your magic on it for me? HA! It looks so good and it's not even done yet!

  2. I love it already. Nice job with the stripes.

  3. As usual... wow! Can't wait to see this masterpiece when it is done :)

  4. Love that fabric! You are a brave woman working with stripes.

  5. I am loving this sooo far! You are awesome!! =D

  6. Oh my gosh! I am dying to see this chair completed because, so far, I love just about everything about it. Wish you lived closer so I could get an in person tutorial!

  7. Looks like it shaping up to be a great chair!

  8. You really have a knack for upholstery, I'm loving the stripes. I have a giveaway be sure to stop by.

  9. You are doing such a great job!! I'm scared to try reupholstering...but yours turn out so fab I might just have to read more about how to do it : )

  10. It looks so good already. I have a chair I have been debating between making a slip cover for and reupholstering myself. Both seem like so much work and it's summer and all. Thanks for sharing at my Sizzle into Summer party.

  11. It's looking so good! And, it's definitely much better to re-do an 'oops' while working on it instead of looking at the chair down the road, wishing you had fixed it. I've been afraid to work with stripes because of lining things up, but you're inspiring me...

  12. Did I miss how you got the fabric to lay down on the front of the arms? Is that pins? or staples? Knowing you, it's staples. What!? That's a compliment! :-)

  13. HI, You've motivated me. I have a 3 piece curved SOFA, with kinda old carved ornate legs and stuff. It was someone else's sofa refurb project, I bought on craigs list for $60. (It came with the book she was using too!)

    I've now just bought all the fabric, still need to get some supplies, maybe next months budget will get those!? But I can start on the bottom and teh back/sides! THANKS for the motivation!!


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