Finding Your Signature Scent & Frederic Malle Perfume Giveaway

If you follow me on Facebook you know I have been on a child free vacation for the past few days in San Francisco. 

This morning my husband and I had planned to walk around the city and hit our usual favorite spots. However after breakfast Jon tells me he is tired and wants to lie down for awhile. Ok... what am I supposed to do. So he suggests that I go for a walk.
What do I find one block away from our hotel?

BARNEY'S New York. hmmmmm.
It is about 10:30 on a Monday morning so it is fairly quiet. I had been thinking about getting some new perfume since my only perfume was purchased on our honeymoon. Sad, I know. 

Anyway, I walk down the stairs and who do I see standing behind a glorious array of perfumes? 

Jonathan. He greats me with a smile and asks me what he can help me with. I said that I was looking for some new perfume. Simple enough request. So I thought. 

But what unfolded in the next several hours was nothing less than fabulous. First we chatted about some things that I liked floral vs. woody scents etc... Then he brought out a few that he thought I might be interested in and went into each and every scents history and background. He included the chemistry behind the perfume and why it was unique along with a sweet personal story. 

(that is Jonathan on the left.)

Like a sommelier knows wine this man knows perfume. No I am not exaggerating. 

So once the perfume had been decided on. We then moved on to make-up. Why? Because truth be told most of my make-up is older than my children. I know, I know, don't judge ladies. 

He then spent an additional hour making me look lovely. And he so kindly made a little map out for me so I can do it at home. 

So if you are ever in San Francisco and have a minute. Go to Barney's and ask for Jonathan Addy. He will give you the time of your life. 

And I have a selection of 3- 2ml Frederic Malle perfumes to giveaway to one lucky winner. 

Thanks Jonathan!

To Enter.

1) Mandatory- Follow Three Boys blog (leave a comment)
2) Follow Three Boys on Facebook (leave a comment)
3) Sign up for the Healthiest Loser webinar or email list (leave a comment)

The winner will be chosen from the comments on Friday the 28th.


  1. I follow you! Lucky girl in SF! We went there for our honeymoon this past summer, it was amazing!

  2. hey there,
    i am a follower!! what a fun time it sounds like you had.

  3. i also follow you on facebook. :)

  4. Thanks for the perfume giveaway! Hope you enjoy your trip to SF. And I hope to win the giveaway! Also posting comment on facebook:)

  5. I follow you by email! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. How fun!! as a soap maker looking at those bottles of essential oils- heaven!!

  7. I've been following. Lucky you. No, lucky me. Love the idea of a man knowing all about the perfum......lucky you. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hey I follow you and I love your blog!

  9. follow your blog as jelaws5
    thanks for the giveaway

  10. fragrance has always been my thing...I have dreamed of having one created...what a great opportunity you had to do that!

  11. I have ALWAYS wanted someone to help me pick the perfect scent! I always end up with something I love for about three wears and then I'm over it.

  12. I also follow you on facebook!

  13. Now that sounds like a fun way to spend a morning! You must have felt very pampered. How interesting to have heard all the perfume facts.

  14. I am a follower
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  15. I like you via facebook
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  16. I follow three boys, and would love to win some new perfume....mine is almost as old as me..:)

  17. I follow three boys on facebook.


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