What Are Your Traditions?

Hey everyone, it is Friday. YAY! And that means another post from the lovely Jaima. 

Hey guys, I am so excited to contribute my first post here at Three Boys! I am giddy to start this awesome new opportunity! You sure do know how to make a girl feel special with all of your sweet comments and support from Sarah’s announcement post!

As I mentioned then, family is very important to me. As our lives are all super busy these days it seems likes there’s little time for your own immediate family, much less your extended family. But because family is so important to me, I make it a priority over other things. 

We set up little traditions. Weekly traditions, monthly traditions, and even yearly traditions.We probably all have holiday traditions that we carry on each year. For Christmas, it’s been the same forever (well, until my Mom died almost 2 years ago at Christmas). I always knew exactly where we would be and when. I knew we’d spend Thanksgiving with my Mom’s immediate family at MawMaw’s and then visit my Nanny’s in the evening. I knew that all of the girl cousins on my Mom’s side would get together before Christmas and have a girls night where we ate too much and exchanged ornaments, just like my MawMaw & her sisters started years ago. I knew that on Christmas Eve we would be back at my Nanny’s house and that before going to bed we’d get to open 1 present – always pajamas and an ornament – and then take an annual picture together. Christmas Day after Santa came we’d be at MawMaw & PawPaw’s. And I loved it as much then as I do now, as we still carry them on.

2008 – Our last Christmas Tradition Picture with Mom & CJ

But what about the rest of the year?
Well, here is something that we do… Every Sunday we attend church and then have brunch with my husband’s family. We usually spend a couple of hours together before going to Small Group. Growing up, my family did this with my Mom’s immediate family, and I always loved it! It ensures that my daughter gets to spend time with my niece and that we all get to enjoy each other’s company with no regrets of never seeing each other.

Something that I do with my only first cousin (who I truly call sister more than cousin) is host Family Pizza Nights at least once a month (we see each other at least 3 days a week anyway because I keep her baby). At least once a month we get together and let the kids help us put together homemade pizza. We always watch a good movie, or most preferred, play games together. It is a blast! My husband & I use to do this alone before we moved back to Tennessee, and now it’s so much more fun to involve the kids and spend time with family. 

And it’s always so fun to see what kind of pizzas we will create!


                                             This is one of our favorites!  California Club Pizza.                                                                                     
If you don’t have family close to you (we’re an Army family, so I understand) do you have friends that are like family?

What are your traditions? 

Do you treasure them as much as I do?

Till next time, 



  1. We try to always have Sunday night dinner with my parents, brother, sister in law, and my nephews. We also started a new Thanksgiving tradition last year. We put up a "Thanksgiving Tree" right after Halloween. Everyone that comes to our house writes something they are gratiful for on tags I have made. I decorate the tree with fall decor and hang the cards on the tree. At the Thanksgiving meal we read all of them and take a moment to remember how lucky we are. Great post, Thanks!

  2. Shannon, I LOVE the tree idea! How awesome is that!


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