The Story Of A Chair

If you have been following my blog for awhile you will remember when these twin cane backs came into my life. 

You will also remember that I had the WORST time trying to figure out what to do with them. 

But finally I figured it out and put them up for sale at REPURPOSE. And they sold very quickly, so I was ecstatic. 

Fast forward about a week later and I get a call saying that the caning had fallen apart. WHAT? Yep dry rot. Not only was I embarrassed but I was kicking myself for not really testing them out before I bought them. I thought I had, well I guess not. 

Sooo these two chairs came back to me. The first chair was completely trashed so I turned it into my sewing stool. The other was fine, however I really wasn't digging the whole french provincial look. Not that I have an issue with french provincial I love it, just that these chairs aren't exactly the right shape and I was never thrilled with them. 

Then last month my good friend liz over at designing domesticity was looking for guest posters so she could spend a little snuggle time with her newest edition.

So the time had come to drag this chair out of the garage, where I had put it so I didn't have to look at it. Yes, I was pouting. And if you follow me on Facebook you know I just got back to San Francisco where I just happened to spend a few hours perusing some AMAZING fabric stores....

So with a little antique white paint, an old butter spreader (gotta work with what you've got,) and my new fabric I set to making this poor chair over once again. And this time I think I have finally found this chairs true identity.

But, you will have to go visit Liz over at Designing Domesticity to see how I did it and the reveal.



  1. AH! I will find out what happened and hopefully it will be up for you all to see soon!! Keep an eye out on FB and I will let you know.

  2. it's there but I'm confused, I thought the cane backing was dry rotted ?

  3. oops reread and saw where one was ok. Oh dopey me !!


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