"Greenify" Your Home: Eggs

Pasture raised eggs vary in color and taste because the chicken's diets aren't exactly the same. These gals are running around outside, eating all kinds of bugs and seeds depending on the location of the farm. 

When compared to the USDA’s nutrient data for conventional eggs, coming from chickens confined in factory farms, the eggs of pastured hens contain:

1⁄3 less cholesterol
1⁄4 less saturated fat
2⁄3 more vitamin A
2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
3 times more vitamin E
7 times more beta carotene
4 to 6 times more vitamin D

For me this is an easy decision, if they are available I always buy pasture raised eggs and if you get them at the farmer's market they are very inexpensive. Well worth it as far as I am concerned and the taste is so much better. I will worn you though, once you have tried these eggs you will never by conventional again. 

Can you tell which egg is the conventional egg and which is the pasture raised?

updated and reposted from June 2010


  1. Angel, why don't you ever share all this egg information with me at home? It's like you want to keep me in the dark!

  2. I discovered farm fresh eggs when I was pregnant with my daughter. Such a huge difference!! I am very fortunate to live in an area where there are winter markets that do have eggs available- the markets aren't the best to get to but I might be able to commit to it a bit more this year since I've committed to a healthier me this year!

  3. Love your "Greenify" series!!!! Very inspirational!!!!

  4. I'm totally with you on this! Only 'free range' eggs for us here too, I would never buy battery eggs.

  5. I am wanting to make the switch. I hop I can find cheap eggs at the Farmer's Market too. I hope the good egg is the one on the right because that one looks tastier. :)

  6. You are helping my dad win his vision of raising our own chickens. I can not wait for farmer market season...and to have money from my job to purchase them. :) Thank you my dear for all your insight.


  7. We went to the store today to buy our own little chicks...alas we have to wait for "pullets"?? because all of the other chicks can't be sexed and could all turn out to be roosters?? Looking forward to pasture-fed chicken eggs in the near future though! :) Do they taste like the stuff they eat at all?


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