"Greenify" Your Home: Cleaning Products

4 years ago I read Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano. To say that this book changed the way I think would be an understatement. She opened my eyes to a better way of living and I never looked back. When I first learned about the dangers of most household cleaning products, I knew I needed to find a solution that was right for my family. 

So these are my requirements. I want cleaning products that work. I don't want to spend a lot of money. I don't want to expose my family to chemicals, and I don't want to throw out hundreds of little plastic squirt bottles. Lucky for you I have been working on this problem for almost 4 years now.

First I started with the "make your own" house hold cleaners, which in theory sound wonderful, Martha Stuart even recommends using them. I used them for about 2 months, and for some projects they really do work. But for everyday cleaning and deep cleaning, I just ended up with a grimy house. It didn't sparkle the way I like. Maybe we are just dirtier than your average family? So I had to moved on.

Next I tried every "Green" cleaning product I could find. Seventh Generation, Mrs. Meyer's, Method, Clorox Green Works, the list goes on. For the most part these products do work, however this did not help me with the cost or the squirt bottle situation. 

At this point last year I had resigned myself to the fact that maybe I would just have to make do.  But then I discovered Shaklee cleaning products. Did some research and found that they were.

1) Non toxic
2) Refillable bottles
3) Super concentrated = low cost

This fulfilled 3 of my requirements but did they work? I had to order some to find out. And yes, they work better than all of the cleaning products I have tried in the past. You can see for yourself in these posts.

How I Clean My Sink

How I Clean My Kitchen

How I Clean My Floors

How I Clean My Oven

I kept using them for 6 months and loved them. So much so that I decided to become a distributor. I can't say enough about the products as well as the company. Clean house, refillable bottles, less packaging, non-toxic, low cost. perfect.

Have you found a household cleaner that you love? I would love to hear about it!

For more information on why it is important to use non-toxic cleaners in your home, click here.


  1. I'm loving the Shaklee products I bought! I'm still having a hard time believing how well they clean when they don't have a strong, nasty smell!

  2. I'm glad you've found a great cleaning solution. :)

  3. Great post! I've been experimenting with homemade solutions and "green" store brands. Looks like you are a bit ahead of me. I need to look up Shaklee.

    I also saw your wool dryer ball post. Do you have a tutorial??


  4. Because of you and a couple other blogs I read I switched to Shaklee last month and totally love it.

  5. Stopping by from Circle of Bliss!! Love the Green cleaning !! I hope you will stop by. My blogiversery is this week and a giveaway!


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