Big News, HUGE!

The last month has been so busy. I know you may not have guessed it from my few and far between posts, but busy doesn't even begin to describe it. I am so excited about the recent developments and I have finally reached a point that I can share it with all of you.

You may have noticed a few new tabs under my header, yep that is right, a disclosure and an advertising tab. Why do you ask? Well, this little blog is going pro! Wohoo!!

But wait, there's more! I have officially started my own FURNITURE REFINISHING BUSINESS!!!! I have had this in the back of my mind for sometime but when opportunity comes knocking on your door... who am I to turn them away? I will fill you in on all of the exciting details soon.

 I am also a Shaklee distributor and I am so excited about this opportunity. It has been such a wonderful addition to my blog and has given me the opportunity to work with some amazing bloggers. I have been working furiously behind the scenes to get this business going. Keep an eye out for me "out and about" in blog-land. I am also looking for bloggers like you to work with. Check out my advertising tab and keep an eye out later this week for more information.

So that is what I have been doing the past few weeks. It has been filled with sleepless nights thinking about the exciting possibilities, and days so full that my house and health (cough, cough) have taken a nose dive. Once I get the house back in some kind of order and recover from this lovely illness,  I hope to be back in full blogging swing very soon.

And last but certainly not least I want to thank all of my readers and followers for you words of encouragement. Truly NONE of this would have happened without you! If I could give each of you a giant hug I would. Can you see I am glowing with excitement?

To thank all of you I have called in a few favors. I will be having an amazing, I mean AMAZING, giveaway along with the Spring Cleaning For Charity Link Party. So go get your house cleaned out and DONATE!

three boys


  1. Exciting things in your life! Good luck with your new ventures!

  2. Congratulations and the best of luck in your new business endeavors!

    By the way . . . Shaklee is awesome . . . my aunt has been with them since they first started the business.

    Have a wonderful day!


  3. Congrats Sarah, am so happy for you! How exciting! Hope you get better soon so you can get back into it 100%. Good luck with it all:)) xo

  4. A furniture refinishing exciting!! I am keeping my eyes peeled at yard sales and on Craigslist for some pieces (specifically a couple of dressers and end tables) to refinish. I will definitely be visiting your blog for some refinishing tips!

  5. I can't wait to hear more. What an exciting time. Congratulations!!



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