My Visit To Cash & Cari's Warehouse

Welcome to used furniture HEAVEN! These pictures are just from one quarter of the space.

She has at-least 4 pallet carts 

Old washboards, doors, windows.

everywhere I looked, hidden treasures.

And look what I got to take home with me!! To test out my furniture refinishing chops, I am redoing this chair with the provided fabric.  Which is an orange velour. The wood will be a glossy white. Think 70's retro. YEAH BABY!

And while I was there Natalie, the warehouse queen, talked me into selling my Happy Chair. It wasn't hard. Especially now that I can sit on my pretty pink chair while I sew.

Cari is also planning a huge warehouse sale in July, so when I get the dates I will let you all know. 

Wish me luck!

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Perfectly Imperfect


  1. Wow, that place looks AMAZING!! How did you manage to stop at 1 chair? Good luck with it, I am sure you will do a fantastic job.

  2. I want one of those pallet carts! I wish that store was near me....your so lucky!

  3. I WANT THAT PALLET CART!!!! I'd fix up the top and put it right smack in front of my couch in my living room....
    You would have a hard time getting me out of that place! I think I'm glad they don't have places like that where I live!

  4. I don't know where you live, but I sooo wish I lived there because that place looks awesome!! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Wish I could've been there with you! Looks like an awesome space. I love watching her show too. Can't wait to see what you do with this new chair. I'm sure it will be fab, as always!

  6. Oh...My...Great...Goodness! That place is amazing, and I absolutely love the lines of your new chair. Orange Velvet, GET OUT, that is SO cool! Can't wait to see it. Wish I had a store like that in my area. Hmmm....

  7. Sarah where or where is that place? More importantly do I live close enough to get there! OMG, it's a gold mine for us folks but how are the prices? Can't wait to see the makeover on that funky chair.

  8. I know!! It was AMAZING! It is located in Westland Michigan.

  9. Lady, I would be in HUGE trouble if that place was anywhere near me! How do you have the restraint?

  10. How exciting! I have a feeling that chair is going to be beautiful once you get your hands on it. Wish we had a warehouse worth of treasures like that near me.

  11. Hi Sarah, this place looks like wonderland to me...lucky you!
    Claudia xo

  12. wow! Oh my wow!!! I am jealous, I want a Cash and Cari near me! what a great selection she has! Really, wow!

  13. ohhh my! :)
    so much stuff!

    that's awesome, lucky you!
    can't wait to see your chair redone!

  14. I will totally drive from Columbus OH to that warehouse! OMG!! Fabulous.

  15. OMG that place is awesome!! I could do some damage in there! Can't wait to see your chair.

  16. WHY oh why can't there be a place in the Houston area as glorious as this?!?! Well there porbably is, but I can't find it :(

    By the way you stole my chair and I want it back! I have been searching for a chair to redo for my entry way and that new one you are about to refinish would be PERFECT! So jealous right now.

  17. That place is nirvana! Love all the possibilities that this store holds in store. I would love to go with you to that place...can you imagine all the enabling we would do to each other? Hahah.


  18. I'm drooling over that first photo!! It looks like so much fun!

  19. You did an amazing job on the 70's chair (I got a sneak peak) I can't wait to see it in person!!

  20. LOL! I love that so many other commenters had the same thought as me - the pallet carts!

    You know how you were voted the winner of the Best in Show award a few months ago? There's more fun in store! I have a surprise waiting for you on my blog this morning :)

  21. I love that show! You are lucky to be close by. (Except if all that snow I see on her show is typical :)). Anyway, have fun with that. Can't wait to see the chair.

  22. SO cool!! Thanks so much for linking up to All Things Furniture!!


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