Emily A. Clark - Getting Help With My Living Room Design

A few months ago I emailed Emily over at Emily A. Clark , I know you all know her. Awesome designer, right? 

On her contact page it said that she was not excepting any new web clients until fall however I am totally impatient. So I sent her an email asking her to put me on the waiting list. Well..... I am on her schedule! Wohoo!! I am scheduled for the beginning of September which also corresponds with my birthday (and it happens to be a biggish one) and our anniversary. I bet you can guess what I am asking for as a gift.

Part of an online design consultation includes a lot of measuring and picture taking of the current space. I won't go into all of the details but here are a few shots of the living room now. 

 East Wall

South Wall (left)

South Wall (right)

West Wall 

North Wall (left)

North Wall (right)

Needs a makeover right? 

Tomorrow I will show you the fun part of my homework. Inspirational photos!

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  1. You won't be disappointed. As soon as I'm finished painting my kitchen (I'm on the homestretch now!) I'm going back to working on the projects she gave me to do. I'm looking forward to seeing your inspiration along with her design!

  2. Look forward to seeing more...and your inspiration, a project like this is always very exciting
    Have a great week :)
    Claudia xo

  3. Oooo!! So exciting! I can't wait to watch the progress of this!

  4. Now that is exciting! Congrats and can't wait to see the results! liz

  5. I would love to do this! I have a couple of rooms in my house that could use professional help.

  6. Looking forward to following along with your living room transformation. Sounds like some new furnishings from Emily's mood-board-to-be will make great birthday/anniversary gifts!

    By the way, I wanted to let you know that I'm presenting you with the One Lovely Blog Award. Thanks for sharing your DIY projects!


  7. Coming back to look at the bones of your living room. I think you design picks are totally doable. I'd love to see that gorgeous oval mirror above your fireplace.

  8. This is such a sweet post. It came up in my Google Alerts :) Excited to work with you (and this is fun; I never get a sneak peek of the rooms I'm going to work on!). Looking forward to it.



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