Time To Make My Table Gorgeous

I have had this table since November. I found it at a great antique shop here in town for a steal. It expands to seat 12 comfortably or 14 if you squeeze. 

Sturdy, great lines...

Now it is FINALLY time to make it pretty.

So far I have spent about an hour sanding this baby and I am just about finished. I didn't use my hand sander because I can only do this during nap-time and at night and it is too loud! At-least I am getting a work out, right?

So once I'm finished sanding I am going to seal the top with some tinted wax. I really want to keep the rustic top, the more bangs and dents the better. With my family that should be NO problem. Here is what this baby should look like in a week or two. 

Williams- Sonoma


  1. Work those arms baby. It's gonna be stunning.

  2. I think it will look lovely! I can't wait to see the finished project! Angie xo

  3. Yay! I can't wait to see it when it is finished! =D Sanding is a great work out for your arms, I prefer sanding with just paper than a sander for that exact purpose. Lol.

  4. Love that idea. I stained my table very similar to the picture you have on this post. Mine used to be a light butcher block top with green legs. Now it's dark on top with distressed creamy white legs. It's been virtually kid proof.

  5. She's gonna be a beaut! So, I assume her legs will be painted white? I wish white legs were all the rage with people...

  6. You are getting work out and you are ending up with something besides a gym membership bill. Will you be painting the legs white? Inquiring minds want to know.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Already it's looking so great! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  8. Can't wait to see it! :) It's going to look awesome with your kitchen!!!!!

  9. this is pretty already! I can't wait to see it all done! what tinted wax are you planning on using - ohhh that sound interesting!

  10. I'm trying out Briwax. It comes in a light and dark brown tint. I keep looking outside to see if my UPS guy has delivered it yet! Kinda excited!!

  11. Biceps baby biceps!! Haha! Sarah this is going to look AMAZING!! I am kind of jealous that you can fit a table that big in your great room. It's going to be gorgeous!!

    You know what's funny? I was thinking hmmm her cabinets would look so good in cream or white.....I guess I missed the painted kitchen cabinets. They look so beautiful! Can't wait to see it all together.

  12. I guess sanding beats using Shake Weights, LOL

    I think it's going to be georgeous and how lucky are you that your chair bottoms are just like the Williams-Sonoma one & yours seats 12, WOW

  13. Did I see wheels on that puppy? Can't wait to see what you do with it. I need to do some sanding myself.

  14. What a project...best of luck and can't wait to see the finished piece!

  15. Wow that's one long table. I wish I had room for one that size. Love the straight lines and anxious to see the wax and painted finish. Good luck!


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