What I'm Doing This Saturday- Repurposed Warehouse Sale & Discount

Guess what I am doing this Saturday? Oh, that's right. I am hitting day 2 of Cash and Cari's Warehouse Sale. I am headed with a friend and an empty minivan, WOOT!

So if you are in the area tomorrow, Friday, July 15th  or Saturday, July 16th head on over!

Want to see what is up for sale? Here are a few photos of the warehouse all ready to go.

You know I have my eye on a few of those chairs.

Don't forget to mention THREE BOYS at check out and get a 10% discount.

Hope to see some of you all there. I know Jen from Garage Sale Diaries is heading down too.

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  1. I am so jealous!! I am from Michigan, but I am currently living in NC due to my hubby being in the military... we were just home two weeks ago.. I would die to go!!! Post a lot more pics so I can live through you haha!!

    Liz Marie

  2. I wish I lived closer! So many neat finds! :)
    Have fun!!!

  3. Ohhh so jealous! I want to go to a sale like this!!!

  4. What a dream! Such great finds and prospects there:)

  5. I will be there in spirit. PLEASE buy me a chair and ship it to me!?! I still have not found one

    Have fun!!!!

  6. Oh this looks great! I bet I could spend hours shopping there! Hope you find lots of great " treasures"

  7. Wish I could join you, those dresser look great!

  8. Oh, that looks like SUCH fun! Hope you have a great time.

  9. Am I the only one who wants to know what you ended up getting at the sale?

    Do post, do post! puh-leeze!! :-D


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