Weight Loss Story- Before & After

Ok, folks. I was a bit hesitant to do this post for a few reasons. First, I usually talk about house stuff. Second, I am going to be showing you all some not- so wonderful pictures of me, cringe... So be nice people, I am not that tuff.

For those of you that might not know this, I used to teach fitness classes after my oldest was born. I have always worked out. As we all know, exercise is extremely important to losing weight but it is only part of the weight loss process.

I decided to give the Cinch Inch Loss Plan a try earlier this year because I was having the hardest time losing weight after the twins. It came off pretty quickly after my oldest was born, but I just got stuck and couldn't drop the rest and the the twins were about to turn 2. Time to take action.

First of all I started to feel the results right away.  I started to have more energy! I knew I was tired but I guess I didn't realize HOW tired. After only a few days of drinking the shakes I noticed a huge difference in my energy level, so I kept going.

And then I started to notice a difference in how my clothes fit.  YAY!!!!  I really noticed it in my midsection and tush.  After the twins I really thought that my stomach would never go back down.

I was drinking two shakes a day.  I love the Cafe Latte, Strawberry andVanilla.  I do NOT like the chocolate.

I would eat a small snack or bar at snack time and a healthy lower carb dinner.  I have to admit that I did not work out. Sorry... between the kids, blogging, the furniture, and the house. There really is not any time for it. I know, I know terrible. But that is life right now.

I would say that I dropped 4 sizes in 3 months.


Besides the fact that Cinch works,  I LOVE the flavor of the shakes and they filled me up.  They are seriously delicious..And I have tried a lot of different kinds before.

I am going to show you a couple of picture of my before and afters.
But first….. I have to say that I do not have any good pictures of me I never liked getting my picture taken because I was a bit self-concious.  

Here are a couple of befores.  No judging!
This is a picture of me about a month before the twins were born. Yes I got bigger. And I am not one of those women who instantly drops all of the weight as soon as the babies are born. I lost 10lbs after they were born. That is right. I still had 40 to lose. Did I mention that before I was pregnant with them I was wearing a size 0? Yep, I am only 5'1" so I gained half of my body weight over a 6 month period. Pretty impressive really. I was told to gain weight and I took my job very seriously. I wanted healthy babies.

Here is a realistic picture from about 7 months after they were born. I know the picture isn’t great, but you get the idea. I did not lose much more weight over the next year.

Here is a picture of me after I did the Cinch Inch Loss Plan for about 30 days.  You can see that my face is much slimmer here (I also got a haircut.)  Not bad for one month, huh?

Here is a picture after being on it for 3 months. You can see a difference in my face, arms, waist and legs. AND... I FINALLY fit back into the jeans I was wearing before the twins were even a thought. YAY!

Let’s recap…

After!  After only 3 months! 

I wish I would have started this right after the twins were born, had I known I absolutely would have. You can even modify the program a bit if you are breastfeeding!

After I “did” the program, I just maintain by drinking the shakes as meals a couple of times week.
This Inch Loss program is different because you KEEP YOU MUSCLE and BURN YOUR FAT!

Cinch is Powered by Leucine and specially formulated to help you break the diet cycle, so you:

Keep muscle you have
Burn fat you don’t need
Lose inches you don’t want

So do your healthier self a favor and JOIN THE HEALTHIEST LOSER CHALLENGE today. Then, take a good look at those extra inches of yours and get ready to give them a big kiss good-bye.

Don't forget, when you become a member you save 15% off for a life-time! AND I will throw in a Three Boys special for all new members. You can email me for details or check out your surprise at check out.

Have a great day!


  1. You look amazing! A huge a complishment! I don't think you looked bad before but now you are a Hotie Mommy. I'm 46 and weigh the same as my wedding day, but it hasn't always been the case. I have found it's about 80 percent what I put in my mouth and only 20 of exercise for weight maintenance. I was a physical education teacher and always thought i could control my weight with more exercise. That philosophy doesn't work as we age. We are a nation of over fed and under nourished citizens. You are a great
    inspiration to your readers.

  2. Wow, you look amazing :) Really, though, you look awesome pregnant too!!! Being I've met you in person, you are the tiniest!! I remember thinking, "Wait..I thought she had twins!" So just know, you look great :)
    This stuff sounds pretty amazing-can you make it non dairy for those of us that are lactose intolerant?

  3. You do look amazing, but I have already commented on that a few weeks ago!
    That pregnancy picture is a hoot. You are all BABIES! :)
    congrats on your wonderful accomplishment!

  4. Way to go! You look great! I'm working my way to pre-pregnancy size by running, and I love the results, especially when my husband praises me and notices the differences :)

  5. Wow-wee! Congrats Sarah!

    You were beautiful at the "post-baby" stage, and you look *outstanding* now! And I heart that outfit. I love wearing pretty blouses with jeans.

    Great job on this huge accomplishment!

    Having babies is hard enough, then we have to live with our body afterwards!

    You're owning it, and you're gorgeous!

  6. Sarah you look amazing. I agree blogging and furniture makeovers + kids = no exercise time. Honestly I love to run but getting a coat of paint on sometimes means more so I try to eat better but it's all so hard. You know I'm going to try this. Thank you.

  7. Sarah,
    You are not going to believe this but I just researched SlimFast last night. I'm just looking for some kind of structured meal plan that I can work into my life. Dinner will need to be "normal" (two boys and my hubs) but I can certainly eat less and drink more! :) I'm already a Shaklee member (via you!) so might have to try this. I'm not crazy about vanilla or strawberry flavors, i'm a chocolate girl. Do you know if they have any samples to try before we buy? Just curious!! The pomegranate drink sounds amazing. I have a 20 year class reunion in 6 weeks...wonder if I could shave off 10 by then?! Thanks for the timely inspiration.

  8. Sarah, tried to respond to this earlier, but just wanted to say well done! You look great. And good for you for posting the pics. Love the new profile pic. liz

  9. You look awesome! Great job! Losing that baby weight is a battle. I can't imagine with twins!!

  10. Okay seriously you look amazing! I'm not even in thatkind of shape and I haven't even popped out one kid,let alone twins! Give yourself a pat on the back. Great job!

  11. You look amazing! I'm seriously considering the cinch plan.

  12. Go you! I'll keep this in mind for after baby number 4 comes. I usually do ok until the last 10 lbs that just don't want to budge. I can't say I have ever been a size 0, but I'm hoping someday to return to my size 4! You look awesome!

  13. Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment!! You look wonderful and healthy!!!

  14. Congratulations on twins and on the weight loss! You look great and having the energy back must be the best thing of all...especially with 3 little ones. You shouldn't be so camera shy...you are very photgenic.

  15. Whoa woman you look great! Thanks for sharing1

  16. Congrats!! You look fantastic. I'm new to your blog and I'm hooked...I'm a clean freak/organizer too (although you make me look like a slob!) and can't wait to stay up till 3am reading your entire blog. :)


  17. I just wanted to say that based on your story I started the plan..I have been on it a week and lost six pounds so far! Granted that I have 50 to lose total..I'm hoping it'll go fast

  18. Oh my goodness! That is AMAZING! I am so excited for you! Keep us updated on your progress, I can't wait!

  19. Sarah, You look amazing. I am so frustrated with my weight. I have always been a 00 until the last year. I am tempted to try : ) Thanks for sharing! My readers would love to hear your story btw. Feel free to share it at Meet Me Monday's linky party. Either way I will be back. I am seriously contemplating trying. Love, Me www.youaretalkingtoomuch.com


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