15 Minute Closet Clean-Up

 I have been walking by this closet in the boys bathroom everyday thinking something had to be done.

Not to bad I know but I really love the look of an orderly space. I did not have a lot of time to spend creating some magnificent closet creation and I certainly didn't want to spend a lot of money.

So right after I put the boys down for their naps I quickly cleaned it out. 

Grabbed four new bins I picked up at Target for $7.50 each. 

The bottom basket is one I have had for many years and now it is holding all of our washcloths (so I don't have to fold them.)

Sooooo much better. I keep walking by just to take a peek at it. 

It really is amazing the difference you can make in 15 minutes when you put your mind to it.

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  1. Looks great. How long did it take you to figure out how you wanted your towels folded? I folded mine 4 different ways before I settled on the one that fit my shelves. Throw a lazy susan on one of those shelves and I promise you'll walk by spinning it ever so slightly. It's like a game for me now.

  2. Looks nice and organized! I have a lot of that to do around here, especially before the kids go back to school.

  3. It looks so nice and I love that it is not cluttered. Even some of my "organized" closests are stuffed to the brim and it is just 2 of us in our household! I'm not sure what your secret is...LOL

  4. I love it Sarah! I totally agree with you...sometimes just 15 mintues can make all the difference! It looks so clean & fresh...I would be walking by it all the time too! Angie xo

  5. Oh my gosh! What a difference baskets make! It looks great, you did awesome! =D

  6. Sarah! I love the idea of putting wash cloths in a basket so you don't have to fold them. Awesome. So, tell me. Where do you put your sheets? We have one eensy linen closet and I'm telling you, it runneth over with towels, sheets, blankets, pillows, table cloths. I have no idea how to organize that thing!

  7. I am a great believer of small segments of time and what you can accomplish... Good work.

  8. I need all of the organizing help I can get - so this is great motivation!

  9. What a difference in such a short amount of time!

  10. Looks good, this motivates me to work on my closets.

  11. I just found your blog. Looking forward to following you. I love upholsery as well. Looking forward to seeing the striped chair completed. I also love to clean out a closet!

  12. It looks lovely and clutter free, great job

  13. Hi! Found you on Home Stories A2Z. I hopped around your blog and found your posts very inspiring. Thanks! I'm a new follower!


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