How To Keep YOUR Plumbing Running Smoothly

There are several reasons for this post. First, I have gotten several emails about this topic lately. Secondly, I asked you all to fill out a quiz a few months ago about what personal issues you would like to improve, and guess what your, number two issue was? Lastly, I have done several posts on keeping your home's plumbing running smoothly and part of a natural, organized, and beautiful home also includes YOU and YOUR plumbing. Are you with me? Still don't know what I'm talking about? Think Dr. Oz, Oprah, and the S- shaped..... That's right people. Do I have some fabulous information for YOU!!

So in keeping with my earlier posts lets start with:

How To Keep YOUR Plumbing Happy

We are all busy and even when we try to have a healthy diet, sometimes it just isn't possible and disruptions occur. And when your plumbing is backed up, THAT is a bad day. So here is what we use to prevent this from happening. 

Do you see that tiny little pill that looks like a pearl? THAT is the magic. It is Optiflora and it is included in each packet of Vitalizer for men and woman. We take one packet every morning and not only do we get all of our daily vitamins including Omega-3's and Vitamin- D, we get Optiflora which keeps everything running JUST right.

Do you need a little extra attention in this area? I have it from several sources who have had years of issues in the plumbing department, including IBS, who have had great success with...

Optiflora Pre and Pro Biotic Complex

Finally, if your drain is CLOGGED or you just need a kick start, this is nothing short of A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Herb- Lax, take 4 with a large glass of water before you go to bed.  12- 24 hours later you will be skipping down the street.

So I apologize for the umm, openness of this post? I guess it is the nurse in me. But I figure you have seen my before weight loss pictures and my face with a giant zit on it. This is probably fair game. Plus my survey and in-box tell me that this is an issue for y'all.

P.S. I won't be upset if you guys don't want to leave a comment on this one:)

For More Information On All Of These Products, Click Here.


  1. Huge fan of probotics. Love Love that the plumbing keeps moving. My husband is now hooked too. Us women complain of being bloated and lethargic all the time. We'll I now know the reason...keep those pipes flowing.

  2. I've taken probiotics for 4 years now...and it's made an incredible difference in what used to be an ultra-sensitive digestive system. Turns out my innards were just too clean. Who knew?!

  3. Love the openness of the post. It's amazing how much better you feel when you are working like your suppose to. Thanks for your sweet comments regarding my frenchy chairs!


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