How To Install Board and Batten

I am trying to hurry up and finish the big boy room and today I finished up the board and batten.
Here is a quick tutorial for you.

I used 8 foot lengths of white trim from Lowes. They are great because you don't need a saw to cut them to length.

Just measure your length and score it with an exacto knife. 

Then just snap it. It will break right where you scored it, NICE.

Use a little super glue to attach it to the wall.

Check that it is level.

Then nail it in place.

Caulk any wonky spots (yes that is the technical term:)

Let your caulk dry and paint! 

This still needs a few more coats. I didn't get to finish because I had this...


  1. OMG! Is that paint? yikes. love how you handle it all in stride. great tutorial as well! liz

  2. Omg!!! You poor thing! Deep breaths deep breaths. It's a good thing they are so stinkin cute. I want to see pics of what they looked like!!

    Great tutorial on the board and batten! I love that you don't need a saw. Saws scare me. I make my husband do the saw work! Can't Wait to see it all together!

  3. Yikes!! I feel your pain! I have a 3 and 5 year old. Sometimes they gang up on me too :) Hopefully, you'll be able to clean the mess off the floor. I would love to see that reveal!! Just kidding.
    Your tutorial was great... is there nothing you can't do? You rock!

  4. Thanks for the tutorial Sarah! It will come in handy for my husband :) Checkout out my post you were my inspiration. I love your blog.

  5. Oh my! You gotta love motherhood. Can not wait to see it all done and a darling pic of the family AFTER the cleanup. :)


  6. oh my! I love your tutorial, and you seem quite calm about the end result there ... I'm sure your two year old had a blast!

  7. Oh no. I bet you used a lot of wet rags on that clean up.

  8. I've been there sister, and I just have one. Boys! They make life interesting. Continue to love your blog, from another Michigan girl.

  9. oh! can't wait to see how this ALL turns out: the big boy room, the client project and the clean up of the 2 year olds "project".

  10. wait. i must've missed the last part of the post. what happened to the floor and the table? And two years? You, my dear bloggy friend, Sarah, left something like that sittin' around for TWO YEARS?

    ummm....what happened?

    hope all's good with ya! :-)

    great tutorial, BTW! Now I feel motivated to try something like that out in my house!

  11. Oh my Goodness! I cried for you when I saw this! Good luck with your re-do!

  12. Oh no!! Can't wait to see it finished! I have a few sample pieces of that same trim from Lowes.

  13. Oh my goodness gracious... I bet that's not what you said, though! My turn's coming soon, I'm sure of it.

    I can't wait to see the board and batten project. I can't believe how easy you make it look!

  14. P.S. I just also had to comment that in spite of the horrible, horrible mess, look at what your two are doing! Emulating you. They're going to grow up to be can-do-anything handy guys. That's a neat thought, right?

  15. Oh my goodness.....That's a HUGE mess!!! Hope you (and they!) survived! :)

  16. OMG! Your floors!!! I hope that cleaned up well! :(
    Thanks for the tutorial. I am about to do the same thing to our dining room! It really changes the appearance of things, huh!! Nice job!!

  17. HOLY PAINT MESS, BATMAN! Lol, it probably took longer to clean than to finish the whole project!

  18. OH! I am so glad to see others have days like me too! That paint mess is my WORST fear! The exact reason why I tell my husband I won't paint with my daughter home with just the 2 of us. UGH! I am SO SORRY! I hope it comes up ok! You handled this much better than I would have I am sure. :)

  19. I would have to say it looks like you may want to dock your assistants pay a cookie or two :) Glad to see I'm no the only one who has extra "help" with my DIY ventures.

  20. Oh. My. Goodness. Good for you for having a sense of humor about that. Two is such a precious age, but oh boy, the mess!

  21. how wonderfully creative he was! Oh well, it will be a great story to tell years from now!! Great idea by the way, I was going to use bead board in the 1/2 bath, but this looks easier & less expensive!!! I will be referencing your post when I complete it @

    thanks for the tutorial!!

  22. You may have white wood floors now... I can't imagine your retain when you saw it! But thanks for the tutorial. I am going to do this! I love it that no saw involved. Can't wait tom see the finished room.

  23. Oh yikes! I feel your pain...that aside I love this idea!! This means I can do some work while the hubby travels!!! YAY!

    Thanks so much!

  24. I have so wanted to do this somewhere in my home. Definately a labor of love:) Thanks for the tips!

  25. On the bright (?) side...looks like they had fun! And your idea is genius!

  26. OH MY! Someday they will be older and not that kinda messy anymore...just another kinda messy! LOL Great tutorial though so far.. Carry on.....

  27. This is great! And oh what a mess! It looks like they had fun!

  28. Hi, Awesome job and so happy to see a no saw version. I'm dying to try this. One question what spacing did you use between boards. I hope someone else didn't ask I didn't read all the posts. Thx :)

  29. Hi Sheri! I spaced them 2 feet apart and 3 and a half feet high. I didn't want them too close together, and I think this worked out pretty well!


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