The Big Boy Room- Before Pictures

After I finished the striped chair I was so excited to get started on the big boy room that I forgot to take before pictures! AH, I know, bad blogger.

So here we are about half way finished. The chair is new, the wall color, and the bed. 

This antique spindle bed I found on craigslist last week for a steal. It replaced a race car toddler bed. And as everyone knows race cars just do not go with the space theme my four year old has in mind.

Don't worry I am not spoiling the reveal, there is a lot more to come! I am trying to hurry this along because all of a sudden I have a lot of client work scheduled. Among them is a dresser for a nursery! I am so excited about this one. I should start this project next week. 

I keep pinching myself that my career dreams are finally coming true! It really is happening! I am so glad you all keep coming back to read about it. All of your long distance encouragement and support is what has made it worth while! 


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  1. Oh it is going to look great! I love the paint choice you went with and your chair already looks awesome in there. It is starting to look like a room out of the pages of Pottery Barn!

  2. Im loving it so far! I can't wait to see it finished!

  3. LOVE that bed Sarah! Can't wait to see the finished project! Glad your dreams are coming true for wonderful! Angie xo

  4. I love that bed!! I would die to find one! omg! so pretty!

  5. That bed is really great I love it! Also so happy to hear that you have been able to do what you love and enjoy it - that is wonderful.

  6. I love the built in book shelf. The room is looking good. I'm always looking for a nice twin bed on craigslist. Our big two year old is still in a crib because I haven't found a big boy bed that I like!

  7. It looks great Sarah, you are so clever :)

    have a great w-end
    Claudia xo

  8. That bed is wonderful! Yay for clients!! So excited for your dream becoming a reality :)

  9. I have been looking for an old table or desk to shower with love for my new home "office" (It's really an oversized pantry). You've inspired me to give Craigslist a try! Thanks, girl.

    New follower from Circle of Bliss...glad to have found "Three Boys"!

  10. That bed is gorgeous, Sarah! I can't believe you found it on Craigslist! And I am so happy for you on your client work keeping you busy!! How wonderful that you can DO what you love to do!

  11. Awesome, awesome bed. I love the planet/string idea too. Gives the room some fun AND a little design edge.


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