31 Days Of Change- Furniture & Upholstery Tips

Ok, folks. You all know that The Nester hosts 31 days of change for the month of October, right? I am committing now to post 31 days of furniture and upholstery tips for you! FYI that is A LOT of tips. 

It is going to be a challenge for sure! 

Here is a taste of what is to come.

So if you have any pressing questions PLEASE ask them. I need all of the topic suggestions I can get. I promise to make it interesting as well as informative.

Grab a button and spread the word! 


I'll give you a little tease.... think lots of video and even some live question and answer sessions! So everyone get ready and get you upholstery project ready to go and we will do it together!

Watch Day One, HERE.

Are you joining the 31 days of change? What is your topic?

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  1. This is great! I need all the tips I can get. I really want to learn how to reupholster! I've borrowed books from the library and even have my own but it just seems confusing to read about it.

  2. So glad you are doing this. I just looked at a chair this morning and thought "wish I knew how to reupholster"!! I will look at other info on your blog to get a head start :)

  3. This series is going to be awesome!!! One question I have is what tools are ABSOLUTELY necessary? Often times when I look at upholstery guides online, there are so many tools that people say are an absolute must that it deters me from even attempting it since I don't have the money to invest in everything upfront. So what are a couple things to buy to just test it out and then if we do okay we can invest in more tools over time? Thanks so much!

  4. I'm so glad you're doing this! I've found your posts so helpful, that I feel almost ready to tackle my couch and chair. I would like an in depth tutorial on making piping. I can't sew at all so I need help from the ground up!

  5. That is awesome! I think it's amazing you're going to commit to 31 days though!

  6. I have done many reupholstery projects but probably have one I could use some advice on. Great series idea!

  7. Oh I can't wait. The peak of the chair....it's looks FABULOUS! I am hoping you may do a step by step of something similar! Maybe you could spread it out over several days and we can work along with you? That would help fill your days :-)

  8. I was thinking about doing daily video posts on how to do a chair from start to finish. Then everyone can do it along with me. And if I can figure it out we can have a weekly LIVE question and answer session on Ustream! How cool would that be?

  9. Woohoo!!! Oh Sarah, so excited and so appreciative!
    I'd love to see how you do piping. I'm not a sewer...I can quilt and do basic stuff and that's it!

  10. Awesome!!! I so need this...have two chairs that have just been waiting for some love!!! Looking forward to your inspiration!!!

  11. wonderful! I've been eyeballing my couches for a year now but I'm too skeered to do anything about it! I bought canvas cloth to use - we live at the beach - need to be able to pull em off and wash!

    I have three boys too- look forward to following you.

    my topic for #31days is - Exploring God's Creation (#outdoors #family)

  12. Thanks for these furniture and upholstery tips. I am collecting and jotting down notes on maintaining them.


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