4 Ways To Streamline Your Morning And Make Getting The Kids Out The Door Easier

Getting small children ready in the morning and out the door fed, dressed, and packed is a monumental task. Here are a few tricks I have learned that help the mornings go a bit smoother. 

1) Pack the back packs and have them ready by the door the night before. 

2) Hunt down all of the shoes and place them by the backpacks the night before. 

3) Pack lunches the night before and keep overnight in the fridge. 

4) Get everyone dressed before they come downstairs in the morning, including mom.

If you follow these tips, all you need to do is come down, have breakfast and head out the door. I know it never goes as smoothly as this sounds but if you follow these 4 steps, it will cut a lot of the chaos from your morning.

Do you have any tried and true tips for getting your kiddos out the door?

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  1. Very good tips... I don't have kids at home any more, but certainly appreciate the effect this kind or organization has on a family! Everyone benefits! Loved your pictures as well...they've made me smile!

  2. I love the hooks that your backpacks are on. They are simple but, cute!

  3. I have finally after many frustrating mornings figured it out too! I completely agree...the trick to have smooth(er) mornings is to have as little running around as possible, ie. get it together the night before! Another thing I do is get the beds made before exiting room. Really though, our routines are amazingly similiar!

  4. Once this lesson is learned with your children you can carry this on through your life. My children are out of the house but getting prepared for the day the night before is still a help to me.


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