Get Your Blog Featured On Three Boys

Ok ladies (and gentlemen? are there any of gentlemen out there?) Let's blow our blogs up together! I want to feature you. Every Saturday I will be hosting a guest blogger. So if you have an original post that you think Three Boys readers would enjoy send me an email, HERE

This is a great way to promote your blog to a new audience. If you read my blog than you know the types of posts YOU enjoy reading, so if you have a great idea for a post I want to feature YOU! Remember great, high quality photos. 

Send your readers my way and I will send mine your way. Lets get this blog up to 2000 followers or subscribers by... hmmm lets say January 1? Think we can do it?  I say YES!

Now show me what you've got!

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  1. What a nice thing you are doing for us little bloggers. Have a great day!

  2. oh pick me pick me! haha! I am going to have to think of something great!

  3. This is so nice of you to do! I'll get thinking as well! :) Thanks!

  4. I love your idea to help others get followers!! I am relatively new to blogging so I would love to have more followers!! I am just learning about the blogging world and I am hooked!!! I have so many ideas of things I want to blog about ...this would inspire me to get going!

  5. two thousand followers?? Wow. I didn't realize you had that many. That's super. i'm just aiming for 200! I don't know if I'm worthy of a guest blog but would love a little more traffic.

  6. Ummm, I am hoping I get to 100 followers by the end of the year. I just started blogging in Sept. So I have a long way to go to reach 2000. I would love to contribute! Can't wait, hope you pick me. :)

  7. I just started in September as well and I am looking forward to networking with as many fellow bloggers as possible and learning from each one of them.


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