Blogger Faux Pax & A Chair Makeover

So I started out the day thinking I had a TON of blog updating and emailing to do. As you can see this little ol' blog got a bit of a makeover. I had planned to get it all up to date and greet everyone with a wonderful post showing you around all of the new goodies. Well we all know what happens to good intentions. 

When I came down in the morning to check my email I had a lot of strange "unsubscribe" messages in my inbox. What in the world, right? So upon further investigation turns out I had sent a webinar invitation for a Shaklee meeting to MY ENTIRE CONTACT LIST!! Needless to say this was not my intention. It was supposed to go out only to my Shaklee members. 

As soon as I discovered this, my face turned bright red, my stomach dropped to the floor, and I started to sweat. Do you have ANY idea the people on my contact list? I am mortified. You know those bloggers that you idolize? Yep, it went to them. Words cannot describe... 

However after dealing with that fiasco I did get to take a quick trip to Cari's warehouse and put the upholstery on this little children's rocking chair. 

Do you recognize the fabric from yesterday's video post? Yep, drapes. 

Anyway, if you received an email from me please excuse my faux pax. I will try not to be doing 12 things at once the next time I send out a group email:) 

Also, this little rocking chair is heading down to Atlanta with Cari & Natalie for the Country Living Festival, wohoo.

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  1. I love the new look of your blog! The pink is perfect :)

  2. Sarah, I've been loving the videos and watching faithfully!
    I think your e-mail woops will be something you will look back on a get a good chuckle from, maybe you already have. As for my part, you can do no wrong in my eyes! Having experienced first hand how time consuming upholstery work and raising small children can be, I already think of you as superwoman for all the things you tackle!!!

  3. We all have oops moments, and this one doesn't seem bad at all! Your chair is adorable. When do you get to be on Cash and Cari's t.v. show with all of the refinishing you've been doing for her?

  4. No worries....I was wondering why I got an invite lol! The chair is just darling. Have a great day!

  5. Beautiful little chair! Don't worry about the email. People are always sending those type of emails and I just hit delete. I don't think I even stopped long enough to see who it was from. No harm done.

  6. Love the new blog layout!! Bummer on the contact list accident, darn technology!! :)

  7. Love your new blog. The child's rocker is adorable.

    Dropping by from BNOTP.

    Hidden Laundry


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