Meet Jaima- The New Family Contributor

I am so excited to introduce all of you to my new family contributing writer, Jaima. I want to bring you great content, and I am only one woman.

This gorgeous girl will knock your socks off and is truly an amazing woman. Take a few minutes and poke around her baby blog and I'm sure you will fall in love. Oh, and don't forget to take a peek at her cute, cute etsy shop.

Hi there! I’m Jaima and I blog at Ring Around the Rosies, where I share about the day-to-days of our little family and what we believe. And I love to share my favorite craft creations, make overs, and recipes! A little of all of our favorite things!

Sarah has asked me to be her Family Contributor, and I am still kind of in shock! And sososo humbled! So before I even begin my first family post, I have to give her a huge thank you!!! I’m still not sure how this came to be, but I am forever grateful, my friend!

Again, I don’t know how I got the privilege of being a Contributor, but I did, and since family really is the most important thing to me (besides God) I will happily oblige.

I was raised in The South into a ginormous family. I personally was only blessed with one sibling, but my MawMaw (that’s Southern for grandmother) was one of 10 children (9 girls and 1 boy) and my PawPaw (Southern for grandfather) was one of 9 children (1 girl 8 boys). My Mom was one of 36 grandchildren on my MawMaw’s side, and I’m not real sure how many there are on the other side. Needless to say, I have lotsandlots of cousins! And, I’m happy to report that astonishingly I know most all of them, as we are a very close family. I don’t have very many cousins or family on my Dad’s side, and for whatever reason we were always closer to my Mom’s family. All of my Dad’s family, both sets of my grandparents, all of my aunts & uncles, and my only 1st cousin (who I honestly consider my sister) lived within 2 miles of each other while I was growing up.

Unfortunately, throughout the years, I have lost a lot of my family, which makes me value it’s importance that much more. My Grandaddy (Dad’s dad) passed away when I was 2. My MawMaw (Mom’s mom) & all but 2 of her siblings have passed away. My PawPaw is the only one of his siblings that’s passed away. And in December of 2009 I lost my Mom & brother, C.J. in a tragic car accident. Making Mom the 3rd of the 36 grandchildren to die.

I don’t say all of that to get condolences, I say it because family is important. And regretfully, we aren’t given a glimpse of the Book of Life that tells us when our loved ones will die, so we should cherish every moment we can while we can.

This week I challenge you to spend more time with the ones you love (be it with blood family, or friends you love like family), even if that means sacrificing something else.

I so look forward to sharing more with you! There will be lots of fun ideas on how to spend family time, and other thoughts on how great (and sometimes aggravating) family can be!

It’s nice to “meet” you all!!!




  1. Jaima, what an incredible story you have shared. I too value family and I put them on a pedestal where they belong. I cant wait to see what you bring over to Three Boys! Congrats!

  2. Jaima is my cousin on her paw paw's side and let me tell you 1st hand she is beyond an amazing young lady she is very well grounded, confident in who she is and just over all incredible and the greatest young mom I've ever known.. she is talented, loving, giving and gifted.. You chose well.. I LOVE YOU JAIMA

  3. Thanks for the reminder to spend more time with our family. I'm looking forward to all that Jaima will contribute here. Great idea, Sarah!

  4. A great reminder, especially as we celebrate Thanksgiving (in Canada) this weekend.


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