I'm Coming Clean For The Holidays

Today I am writing my 300th post, WOW! I actually can't believe I have done that. This morning I spent some time going through my old posts just to take a look and I realized something. 

My life looks so calm an almost serene in my blog posts. Like I just tada magically reupholstered a chair over the weekend, while my home stayed immaculate and my children played quietly in the other room.

HA! SOOO far from the reality. So today I'm going to give you a more realistic view of my life. Here are some of my un-staged pictures for you.

So don't worry about the mess this holiday and just enjoy your family. The bigger the mess the better the time, right?!


  1. nice to know everything's not perfect!!

  2. I'm going to try the pizza box car divider for my teenage girls. Love it! You are perfect, perfectly normal. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Life gets messy! Love the dividers in the car!

  4. Your boys are so so precious! Thanks for being real - cheers to messy houses!

  5. Just found you today. As a mom of 4this was a perfect post to start on! Thank you for not being one of those people with "perfect" lives in blogger land.

  6. Thank you for sharing! I'm relieved that we don't need to be perfect!

  7. I. Love. It! So real, so true, so funny. Love the pizza box idea - wish I had thought about that when my kids were little! Although, it still might come in handy... ;-)

    You should have seen my house when I was painting my kitchen cabinets - everything else was 'let go' with my singular focus - talk about a disastrous home!! But, we survived.

    Thanks for keeping it real.

  8. That is so funny! Nice to know you are normal. I cracked up at the dividers in the car. Too funny!! Some day they will be best friends...

  9. I love your outlook!! I have totally been there. But watch out...they grow up fast! And all in all...they look like they are having a ball {for the most part}!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sarah!


  10. Alright those are some good real life moments right there! All your photos make me smile......we don't appreciate how good real life is while we're living it - love your reminder.
    Hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sarah!


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