Fun Announcements!!

Today's post is full of fun stuff for you! 

First off check out my latest video post.

Get Clean Household Kit This stuff ROCKS!!


Shaklee is ending the year with some GREAT specials and I wanted to share them with you so you don't miss out.

First off!

Shaklee is offering a FREE bottle of Vivix with a new membership and a purchase over $100!
I take Vivix every morning and absolutely LOVE it. 

Vivix story 

 Check out the blood work that Don received after only FIVE weeks of taking the Vivix.  He hasn't done anything different but add this product in - he still takes the regular Shaklee supplements he's always taken but hasn't been working out (pulled hamstring and sore shoulder) - eating the best (drat - we are working on that) and still, STILL - look at the changes:

                                           Feb. 2008                                                        Oct. 6 2008
Triglycerides                         301                                                                    186
 Total Cholesterol                 199                                                                    178
    HDL  (good)                        51                                                                      50
    LDL  (bad)                        109                                                                       91
Remember - this is just five weeks of using Vivix and the other side benefit is that we are sleeping better!
~ Don & Mary Couchman


If you are a member and get started on our Ultra Cinch inch loss plan you will get your 4th month FREE!! That is almost $300 worth of free products, plus you get to lose all of your holiday weight, WOHOO!!

I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed my first year working with Shaklee. My anniversary is quickly up approaching and I can't believe how far I have come and how much my life has changed. Shaklee really is an AMAZING opportunity!

If you have EVER thought about doing something like this don't wait join our ROCKING team of ladies and get building your new life in 2012!! 

Send me an email and I'll tell you all about it!

Don't wait these specials end December 31st 2011 and they will not be continued to act NOW!!

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