Getting My Act Together

Oh my goodness, so for the last couple of weeks I have been working with a career coach. I know it sounds cool but let me tell you! She asks you to do these simple things like, "tell me why you are blogging." seems simple enough right, ummm this totally sent me into a tailspin. So after I act like an annoyed teenager for about a week and pretend like I don't have this assignment, I finally do it. Ok, that should be it, right? Nope, then she goes over my whole blog and points out that most people probably wouldn't be able to figure that out. Oopsy:) 

So last night I re-wrote my ABOUT page. You know what? It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. I actually like it! AND best of all this process really helped me put everything together so that now I have a very clear direction. I think it will explain what I am trying to do for YOU, which is of course, the whole reason, right!?  There are more small little changes that should be happening around these parts, nothing huge, I'm planning on switching over to Wordpress so that I don't run the risk of loosing my blog. Plus it is easier to use, so I am told. Also I will be adding a tag line. Once I figure it out, another homework assignment:) 

So without further stalling, here is my new ABOUT PAGE! Be kind ya'll I kind of feel like I'm exposing myself here.

Hi I'm Sarah, welcome to my site! I am a stay at home mom who refuses to believe you have give up the passion and spark for life you had in your childless years.

Why "Three Boys?" the blog is named after my constant companions and joys of my life. My three adorable boys. The oldest is almost five and the twins are about to turn 3. Yep, I had 3 kiddos in 2 years. How do you like them apples?

So once I emerged from the haze of infant twins and I toddler, I found myself saying things like,

"You know I used to love getting dressed up and looking cute but now I can't because the only people that see me are my kids and you KNOW what they do to clothes."

"I used to love decorating my home but now the kids just trash it, it's not worth it."

"I used to work out and eat healthy but now I am just so tired, I'll just eat what the kids eat."

WHAT!? This could NOT be my life!

I was feeling run down, exhausted from giving to everyone in my family except me. I couldn't lose the weight I had gained from the twins. And I was desperate for a change. It was right about that time I started this blog. Through blogging I stumbled upon Shaklee as I was looking for non-toxic cleaners to use in my home. I loved what their company stood for and loved their products. 

Little did I know that this company would COMPLETELY change my life. Actually it would more accurate to say that it gave me my life back and helped me create the life I had always dreamed of. 
After the cleaning products, I discovered their supplements, weight loss program, and beauty line. They gave me my body back, my energy, and my excitement for life. I started focusing not only on my family but what I love, design, cooking, organizing, health, and beauty!

Don't give up you just because you're a mom, stick with me I'll show you what is possible! 

After awhile you will find yourself saying things like,

"You know I've always loved getting dressed up and looking cute AND now I love that I'm a hot mom!"

"I've always loved decorating my home and now I have the family to make it a full home!"

"I used to work out and eat healthy NOW I teach the class!"

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If you are in need of some SERIOUS career help and guidance do not hesitate to get in touch with Ms. Laura Simms from Create as Folk. She rocks! And she has the nicest way of telling you the truth, which of course is what we all need. 



  1. Great post, as always Sarah - you're definitely getting your act together! Creative as Folk seems like an interesting path - definitely worth exploring. Thanks for sharing, liz

  2. Hmm Sarah, I think yu have a pretty good tag line already "Don't give up you just because you're a mom, stick with me I'll show you what is possible!" I love your new about me page, great job:)

  3. You're right, writing an "about me" is super hard. You did a great job though and I could totally relate to the things that you said.

  4. GREAT about me section! I love it. I'm glad you have some new-found direction. That's awesome.

  5. I think it's great! You did a really fantastic job writing it. What I dont understand is, how would you lose your blog? Is there something I don't know about?

  6. Very nicely done, Sarah. I love the clarity of how you are describing your blog - awesome! :)

  7. Great job on the About page. You nailed it! Keep striving to be your best. It's so inspiring to me and encourages me to keep plugging on. I think, if Sarah can do it with three kids, surely I can do it with one! - Susan

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