It's All About Me Today- The Good And The Bad

I wanted to let you in on what has been going on around here. As you already know I have been working hard behind the scenes to turn this blog which started as an experiment in personal development into a business. 

I really want to do this right so I consulted a career coach to ensure I was on the right track. Guess what? We both agreed that there isn't a a lot of me in this blog. There is a lot of my projects but not so much me. So here goes. Me the good and the bad.

Why do I want to turn this blog into a business?

1) Well, I feel like I have something important to contribute to the world. I am working with my coach to put some clarity to this. So stay tuned.

2) I want to be successful at something that is just for me. I love being a mom and am THRILLED to have the opportunity to be home with these guys. But the reality is they will get older and not need mom as much, sob. I don't want to be wondering what do to with myself when that happens.

 3) Are you ready for some honesty here? I want to make money. Yep, it's true, It feels pretty awesome to create profit from a business that I started. I get so much more satisfaction from it than I did from my traditional career. Truly it ROCKS.

Some other things you may not know about me.

1) I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. You know when you are a kid and the teacher asks you what do you want to be when you grow up? I always wanted to say mom but that was sooo not cool. The correct response to kids in my era was to say something like lawyer, doctor. etc...

2) When I get asked the question, "You are so smart, do you ever which you had focused more and had a different career?" Umm NO! I have my masters degree, isn't that good? And I really did not like what I did for a living. In every position I was in I always felt suffocated. Staying home with my kids and taking care of my family, building my own business in my spare time, I feel FREE! Don't get me wrong my kids drive me crazy a lot but even at their worst it is still better than the best day I ever had at work. I know you all probably think I am nuts. 

3) A word that probably best describes me. Feisty. I don't back down from much, can at times say things that I probably shouldn't (but have come a long way on that.) 

Ok you now have permission to whisper and think I am tacky for saying such things! AH! 
Hello world!


  1. Sarah,

    I love learning more about you. There is nothing wrong with being a Mom and enjoying it. Being a mother is filled with an opportunity to be creative in so many ways, and those times with your babies pass so quickly.

    Being a half empty-nester and having my youngest turn 14 in a few weeks really reminds me to enjoy the most of my days with them.

    I think you should do those things that bring you joy and if money follows that, all the better. You are teaching your boys that you have value and your goals are just as important as teaching them to be successful, too.

    Best wishes!

  2. Sarah I think it's wonderful that you embrace motherhood and appreciate the opportunity to be one and take care of your kids. We as women have so many choices in today's world, sometimes it's hard to choose the thing that is best for you and your family.
    Good luck with making your passions into a business that you can benefit from financially while still being able to focus on your adorable kiddos!

  3. Be a mother, that is. Why don't I proofread my comments? :)

  4. I'm so glad you have this blog and that your are so open with your thoughts and knowledge.

  5. I enjoyed getting to know you a little better today! I feel the same way about staying home. I love it!
    Wishing you much success in your endeavors!

  6. Not tacky at all! I don't have children yet but that is my whole goal with my etsy shop and blog is to be able to one day stay home with them. I feel the way you did about your previous jobs....suffocated! Wish you much success with your dreams!

  7. You and I wanted the same things, but I always admitted it! It's funny what people remember! At my class reunions people always commented on how close I was to my "6 children" (that's what I always said I wanted!!!)
    I admire you for doing what you love...don't let that go. Being home with my kids was my greatest joy! I wish you all the success in you business!!!
    Hug those babies!!

  8. good for you girl!!
    I like you even more being real!!
    stay true to you & the rest wont matter!
    Your loyal follower,

  9. Hi Sarah

    I just started a blog about making my 18th century house in London more environmentally friendly and living my life more sustainably, including upcycling furniture etc, with a view to making it into a business 'at some point' and yes, potentially for when i am a mother (some way off!) so I'm really looking forward to seeing how your blog develops, since my recent discovery of it.

    We don't seem to have many blogs like yours in the UK so its pretty exciting. In fact I was just asked today if I could be featured in the local paper - exciting!

    Keep it up - people like you are leading the way!!


  10. Very well said! I like a personal post. I too feel like I have found my calling by being a stay at home mom. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  11. Hey Sarah,
    I am so glad that I finally got my blog up and running. I am your newest follower and I would lover for you to come and check out my blog and let me know what you think. It is always good to get a more experienced blogger advice. Love the post, keep up the great work!
    Elisabeth @


I Love Comments! Your comments are why I blog so keep them coming!!