Defining Playground Chic

One of the thing that I still mourn since becoming a stay at home mom, is the fashion. When I was working it was easy to justify putting together a stylish outfit because it was important to look a certain way at work. 

But as you may expect the stylish wardrobe was the first to go by the wayside. Quickly it was replaced with comfortable, stain resistant, and machine washable shoes, pants, shirts, and sweaters. Good bye earrings unless you would like your small child ripping them out of your earlobes. 

Do you know how many times I have googled "Playground Chic?" I keep hoping some fashion guru will save me from my uniform of jeans, dansko's, sweater, and puffy vest. Yes I am quiet comfortable in this outfit but um... I do not feel pretty.

So as of today when I googled playground chic I still didn't find anything so here you go, my first attempt at kid proof yet stylish outfits for moms. 

Playground Chic!

Comfortable, warm, can tromp through the mud to catch the little ones, and soft to snuggle them before naps. 

What do you think? Would you wear this chasing your kiddos? Do you have any go-to outfits? Please share!


  1. You are so funny and witty. I love your new coined P.C. I volunteer and teach PE once at week at my younger daughter's school and I am a volleyball coach in the afternoons. It's a constant battle to not always dress like I'm going to the gym, but still be able to run around with the kids. I think you are on to something.

  2. I pretty much end up wearing jeans every day! I blog about it a bit and struggle with the MOM wardrobe too.


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