Best Month Ever

This January was the best month EVER in Three Boys history.  My little blog had 300 NEW google followers and about 40 NEW Facebook followers in January alone! I can't even believe it. I wanted to take the time to thank my top 5 referring sites. I'm not sure if they even read my blog but I love them for all of their great inspiration, and best of all sending me all of YOU. So here they are!

Centsational Girl



I hope you will take the time to pay all of these wonderful ladies a visit. Someday maybe this little blog will be as "cool" as they are. A girl can dream right?

I also teamed up with Shaklee, the number one health and wellness company. They offer an entire line of beauty, nutrition, weight management, and home products. All of which are non-toxic and effective. Best of all Shaklee was the first company EVER to be declared climate neutral. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

If you would like to take a look around and pick up some great products or if you are interested in teaming up with Shaklee, you can stop by my Shaklee site. There are some really great promotions going on right now for new members.

Thanks again for all of your support this month, I can't wait to see where February takes us!



  1. Congratulations on your blog"s growth and wishes that it will keep on going! I love your blog, BTW!

  2. congrats!!! I think you ARE as super cool as they are for sures!!! :)

  3. Congrats!
    I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting... I am now following and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
    All the best,

  4. WOW!!! that's a lot!!
    (and here I was giddy that I am up to 68 followers...)


  5. Congrats girly!! Your blog rocks! Have a great weekend!
    Bonnie :)


I Love Comments! Your comments are why I blog so keep them coming!!