White Desk Update

I am really excited about how this desk is turning out! She is about half way finished. 

Remember the before?

I know what you are thinking, this looks great in white! I agree, but I can't leave anything alone. I think I must have a problem or something. As soon as I placed the desk in my new "office" I kept thinking... it needs something, its not quite right...Not to fear, I have big plans for this little desk. Want a hint? There is car polish and wax involved. And yes the guy helping me at the automotive store looked at me like I was crazy when I told him what I had in mind. Keep an eye out next week!!

Link Parties~


  1. Oooooh...I can't wait to see how your desk turns out! Car wash and wax? Mmmmm...sounds interesting.
    Susan : )

  2. I can't wait to see what you do to it. I loved it before but I'm sure you have big plans.

  3. Love the before so I am super excited to see what you do with it!

  4. Looking good Sarah...look forward to seeing the finished product :))
    Have a great w/end

  5. Ohh, looking pretty. Can't wait to see the final version.

  6. Wow it is going to look awesome..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry I deleted the above (i didn't want to show my real name...oops), but what a difference chrome paint makes. You have a lot of courage to do that, but it came out great. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll come visit and follow my blog too. Thanks and have a great weekend!


  9. It is looking awesome! I have a piece sitting in my garage that I scavenged from my neighbors trash and I was longing to paint it silver. Can't wait to see your results. You just might be the inspiration I need to continue :)

    So nice stopping by to visit with you!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  10. Oh my gosh! I can't wait to see this done! Your teaser is amazing!

  11. This promises to be lovely! You have a great blog. I am hosting a giveaway on my blog...hope to see you there:-) hugs Anu

  12. It looks great! I can't leave things alone either!! The desk I'm working from has been painted 3 times (the first time was the best too...) and then cut apart and given a new top. (NOW it's the best)

    I just have to be painting or gluing SOMETHING :)
    (I just added you to my blog roll)

  13. Not really sure where to leave my Froggie prints from my blog hop....so I'm leaving them here....hop on over!

  14. Oooooh! This is FANTASTIC! I've just started playing with silvers on my pieces and I'm LOVING it! I would be delighted if you would link this up to my VIP party today =)


  15. Looks great of what you showed so far. I'm loving teh aluminum look right now.

  16. Wow! I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished! Visiting from A Little Lovely and I'm now your newest follower!
    Scissors and Spatulas

  17. I'm so excited to have found you over at Under the Table and Dreaming! I have been thinking about doing this exact thing to a little chest I have, but wasn't sure how it would look. Now you've inspired me to go for it. I'll be watching to see your desk when it's finished. Lisa~

  18. I love that!!
    Great to grab some spray paint and make a change!!

    Popped over via Showcase Sunday~~~

    Stop by if you have a moment...

    Kay Ellen


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