Free Home Decor Items!

Hey Everyone, I am taking part in this awesome blog hop over at beauty in the attempt. Here is the deal, go look around your home for a tchotchke that you love but don't really want anymore. Write a post about it including the details and link it up. Peruse the links like an online shop!

beauty in the attempt

Here are my Items:

4 hand painted martini glasses purchased 6 years ago at TWIST in Portland, Oregon. They were a wedding gift from some very dear friends but we just don't use them. I love, love them but if I am being honest with myself, they must go:( So here they are!

If you are interested in these little lovelies please leave a comment telling me how much you love them. On Tuesday, March 29, if there is more than one comment, I will pick a winner using If you would like to join in on the fun, click here for details on how to link up. Pass this around, the more that enter the more we have to chose from!

P.S. If you don't have anything to link up, but are still interested in these glasses, please leave a comment. No participation required:) Oh, and the shipping is on me!


  1. Those glasses are great!

    (I do NOT want them. They do not fit our style at all. But, I can imagine in another life, one where our home is not all vintage rustic...and it colorful pop modern - they would be amazing.)

    I hope someone loves them very much!

    Psst, there's still time to enter our giveaway...

  2. They are totally gorgeous...but I think your house might look like my house and they wouldn't quite work for me either (we drink Margies out of ball jars...), but I wanted to speak up and say how beautiful they are :)

  3. I would love to have them -- not for myself but for a friend I know would really appreciate them!

  4. Those are so awesome!! They would look kinda neat in my kitchen!!

  5. Cool color....I have a good-best friend that loves Margaritas, bummer these are Martini glasses!!! Does it matter???

    Anywho, enjoying your blog and became a follower...Fellow Mom of Three Boys that are 23, 20 and 17!


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