Weekend Cleaning Project: Disinfecting

Shaklee Basic G and Germ Off Wipes

Our house has a lot of this,

110 Pounds of this,

and 3 cute little tushies,

all living together in one house. So as you can imagine we are in need of a good disinfectant. I don't want to use bleach or any other harmful chemicals around the kids, so to handle all of our hard jobs I call on this.

Shaklee Basic G and Germ Off Wipes

The wipes are great for quickly wiping off services and I use Basic G for big jobs. 
So why are these better than your average disinfectant?
  • Cleans
  • Deodorizes
  • Free of bleach and alcohol
  • Gets rid of Fungi (mold) & viruses
  • Kills 99.9% of E. coli and salmonella bacteria
  • EPA registered
  • Basic G is super concentrated 1 quart make up to 64 gallons.
I have to say I am so excited to have found these products. I only occasionally used bleach in the past and it was always in the evening when the kids were asleep and I could open the windows. I didn't want them to breath all of the fumes. But now I don't have to worry. Yay!

If you are interested in picking up any of these wonderful, non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaners please stop by my Shaklee Website and pick some up today. 
My very favorite cleaning kits, that have everything you need to get started are the:


If you have tried these products out and love them too, I would love to hear your story. Send pictures along with a story and I will feature you on a Weekend Cleaning Project.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me!

See you next weekend.

three boys


  1. Shaklee, huh? I've never really heard of that before.

  2. I was wondering about something for all the bathroom germs. I'll have to give it a try. Also, the similarities never stop coming. Fellow nurses with three boys...and I just adopted a new Bernese Mountain Dog puppy! Weird!

  3. I LOVE your Berner - they are the sweetest dogs! I hope you'll show more pics in the future!

    I am asthmatic and allergic to everything under the sun. A few years ago, I decided to make my home as chemical free as possible. After doing my research, I decided to try Shaklee to replace all of our store brought cleaning products. The results? SHAKLEE PRODUCTS ARE THE BEST!!! I cannot imagine having any other cleaning products in my home after after trying Shaklee. They are so economical and TOTALLY SCENT FREE! Except the hand soap. I'm not a fan of that. :-)

    Anyway, I don't sell Shaklee - I just use it - but I thought I would share for anyone who is curious and wanted some consumer feedback!

    Have a great day!


  4. Hi Sarah! Very nice to "meet" you!!! Your home looks lovely!!! No need for me to come get it into shape. I see that you love Shaklee too. I too am a "convert" and love Shaklee.

    I love meeting fellow BOY moms! I have FOUR boys ages 8, 7, 6 and 4. Our daughter is 18 and was the EASY child! God has a definite sense of humor . . . little boys can be a riot!

    Your pics are beautiful!

  5. ah...hahahahaha! Love the tushies!!! Are they redheads?!

    Your cleaning puts me to shame girlfriend...


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