Strawberry Marshmallow Ice Cream

This is a simple ice-cream recipe that produces a creamy, soft serve like texture. You can add anything you like. I chose marshmallows and strawberries today since that is what I had on hand. 


Remember these guys? We are still enjoying them almost a year later


1) 2 cups heavy whipping cream, chilled. You can substitute milk if you would like it a bit lighter.
2) 1 cup cane sugar
3) 1 tsp vanilla
4) 1 cup homemade marshmallows, cut into bite sized pieces.
5) 1 cup strawberries, cut into bite sized pieces and chilled.


1) Place the cream and sugar into a medium mixing bowl and stir until combined.
2) Pour into the frozen bowl of an ice cream maker and turn on. 
3) Pour in vanilla and allow to mix until creamy and fluffy, about 15-20 minutes.
4) Add your marshmallows and strawberries, mix until combined.
5) Remove from frozen bowl and place into a container with a tight fitting lid and place in freezer for 2-3 hours until set.

Enjoy! Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor?

Link Parties~


  1. This made me hungry for some fresh strawberries and ice cream. mmmmmm looks so delish!! You have inspired me to make some homemade ice cream for my son's second B-day in two weeks. Thanks!!

  2. Oh may...yummo! I want some now!!...:))

  3. That looks fantastic, can't wait to try it! I love experimenting with different flavours using the ice cream maker. Winners so far have been Pineapple & mint sorbet, vanilla with finely chopped after dinner mints, peach & plum togethor sorbet, & coconut milk-brown sugar.
    yeahhhh I'm on a diet.

  4. That looks delish!! YUM! Visiting from Blue Cricket Design and I am a new follower!
    Have a great week!

  5. That sounds heavenly. I am so craving fresh strawberries. Not much longer and Little Bit and I will be in a strawberry field eating, err I mean picking them.

    Yes I do have a favorite ice cream flavor. I love grape nut icecream. LOVE it. I'm pretty glad I cant find it everywhere or else I would my backside wouldn't fit into my car ;D


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