You're Invited! Spring Cleaning For Charity Linky Party

Three Boys

You are cordially invited to Three Boys Spring Cleaning For Charity Linky Party! A place where you can link up your favorite spring cleaning post. But the most important part, that I want all of you to do, is include how many bags/ items you were able to donate and to what charity in your post. (I don't need specifics just how many bags or bins.)

Thats right, lets see how much we can all give back this year while de-cluttering and simplifying our lives. I know there are a million spring cleaning linky parties this year and I want you to pass this on. The more people that know about it the better.

Think about how many of us are out there doing the same thing this time of year. How amazing would it be to see how much we were able to give as a group! If you think about it.... it could be HUGE!

Not a blogger? No problem, please email me and let me know how much you donated and to what charity. I will happily include you!

Grab the party invitation and post in on your site, twitter this, stumble it, post on facebook, scream it from the tallest tower! Ok, I've gone to far.

I will open the linky party on April 25th and keep it open until May 9th. This should give us all time to get our de-cluttering and donating completed and link up.

But wait thats not it! By entering the linky party or emailing me how much you donated you will be entered in an AMAZING giveaway. But you will have to wait until April 25th to see what it is.... what? I can't give it all away at once!

The winners of the giveaway will be announced along with our grand total of donations and list of charities on May 12th.

I can't wait to see what we can do!


  1. this is a super cool idea! I always have a bag or box going for donation & it's fun to think that others might be inspired to donate because of this!

  2. When we moved last July I cannot even begin to tell you all that we donated to the Salvation Army. It was so AWESOME to donate sports equipment, furniture, clothing, etc etc etc. We filled up maybe three carloads and I was so excited to pass it all on for a good cause. Of course this means I have little to pass on this spring but I'll do my best to join in - this is a great idea and I'm sure you will inspire lots of people to clean out their closets.

  3. hmmm, that's weird! I'm going to have to check my settings- something must have been changed by mistake b/c I really don't mind getting emails, but thanks for commenting

  4. Following you back - thanks for stopping by! Let me look through your business website. I think you are right - - looks like we might be a great fit!!! :)

    Carla aka Mrs. No-No
    Mrs. No-No Knows

  5. Thanks for following and back atcha.

    I am an active member on Freecycle in my area. Every April we have a Town wide Yard Sale Day whatever I don't sell gets donated.

    Best of luck with your venture, have a great weekend.

  6. My girlfriends and I just had a charity fund-raising event for the Ronald McDonald House the 18th/19th this last weekend. We raised 400.00 dollars even for goods to donate to the families. Because I already held my event will it be too late to come back and enter it in April?


  7. Great idea! Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas!

  8. Wow, today we finally have a sunny day here in Portland! I donated 3 bags of clothes to Children's Outreach and household items including 2 rugs to Good Will. Felt great to get the house organized and support 2 great charities. My kids and I volunteer at Children's Outreach putting together bags of clothing, shoes, books and toys for children in need.


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