Your Questions Answered

#1. Where did you find that gorgeous fabric?

So many people have asked about the fabric that was used for this chair makeover. I have to say I did not pick it out, it was Kristen from Design Envy who decided on this amazing print. She picked it up at Haberman's in Royal Oak, Michigan.

Anna's Drawing Room Nouveau Bouquet Green 

Amazon also carries it for those of you far away. Just click the link under the photo and it will take you right there.

#2. Have You taken an upholstery class? How did you learn how to do this?

Ok, confession time. I have not taken an upholstery class, although I would absolutely love to. I have re-upholstered a few pieces. mostly dining chairs. So this was by far my biggest project. A few things totally came together to make this happen. I will be brief because this could quickly turn into a VERY long winded post. I will save that for another day:) 

I love furniture. Not just a little, like crazy love. Since I can remember I have found myself drooling over the texture in beautiful fabrics. I always notice the lines on upholstered pieces and have marveled at the beautiful way these pieces of fabric come together to make a perfect, beautiful, and functional piece of furniture. When I go to a furniture store you will always find me running my hand across the finish of a hand painted table. I LOVE IT! 

I have read several books on upholstery and furniture repair. These are my favorites.

The first two are great if you are just getting started.

Matthew Haly's Book of Upholstery

Singer Upholstery Basics

This book is AMAZING, it's has a brief history of furniture in art and then contains the equivalent of a PhD in Upholstery. It is nothing less than amazing. 

The Complete Upholsterer

And finally,

I followed my heart on this one big time. You know "life whispers to you?" Well I listened! The first time I offered up a piece of furniture for sale, Kristen, whom I had never met before asked me if I would like to redo her chair. Of course what was running through my head was "who are you to do this?" "You can't possibly charge money for this." " You don't know what you are doing," on and on. But then I had an epiphany. This is what I WANT to do, I can figure it out. And the loudest voice I heard was this.

"For goodness sake woman, don't turn this opportunity away!"

So I did it. 

Now YOU go and do it too! 


  1. I think you could TEACH a class on furniture, nevermind taking are so awesomely good at what you do! Can't wait to see you get super rich off chairs!!! :)

  2. I love this post! I am so intimidated but I want to try revamping a piece of furniture! Thanks for the encouragement - I need to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. You're inspiring :)

  3.'s all done via the skilled hands which you have! :)

  4. Thanks for the tips. I will have to find those books!

  5. Looks like some good books! I will have to check them out. I have only re-upholstered one thing in my life and it turned out pretty good (at least I think it did). I would love to try a bigger chair like you just did! Just gorgeous! I think I may have to order that fabric from Amazon. Thanks for the info!

  6. Thanks for passing on those book ideas for us!!!

  7. Yes, Ma'am! Judging from your two recent posts, following your heart was a very good decision.

    If I lived closer, I'd be knocking at your door begging to take a class...

  8. You do it like a pro! So inspiring!


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