Link Parties- From The Hosts Perspective

We bloggers all love a good link party. They are a great way to check out what is going on in blog land, meet new people, and draw a crowd to your site. But have you ever wondered what the hosts are thinking? I did, so what did I do? 

I asked a Meg from A little Knick Knack, Bonnie from House of Grace, Cassie from Primitive and Proper, and a secret uber party hostess. Trust me if you have gone to a link party, chances are you have been to one of theirs.  I asked all of them if they would share with us their thoughts on link parties!  And here is what they had to say.

Lets start with Meg from A Little Knick Knack. She hosts Everything but the kitchen sink on Fridays.

Hey everyone! So glad to be here on Sarah’s lovely blog. Doesn’t she have some amazing ideas and inspiration? I am so glad we became “bloggy friends!”

A Little Knick Knack

When Sarah asked me to contribute my 2 cents regarding link parties, at first I thought, “I have nothing to say! Bummer!” But, then I got to thinking and came up with a few things…

Here are some of my thoughts…First off, link parties are GREAT. They are a wonderful way to generate interest for your blog and to help fellow bloggers get to know each other.

 If a party as a theme or certain rules, it’s polite to stick to those rules. Don’t just go jumping in and linking away without reading the rules. It’s blog-etiquette to take a minute and make sure what you’re linking applies to the party. I admit, even though my blog party has no rules, sometimes I have to delete people’s entries because they were not clean. I thought that was just common sense, but I guess not…maybe my “no rules” will have one rule…keep it clean!

Now, why do most people link to link parties? Comments! Comments are a bloggers BFF. If you’re going to join a party, be sure to check out at least a couple of links and comment! There was a time a long while back that I tried to comment on everyone’s link on a link party I joined. Wow, that got old fast! Then, I went through a phase (I’m kind of like a teenager) where I didn’t leave any comments. Imagine frogs croaking around my computer….not one comment for me, people! It’s like bloggers knew I was breaking a cardinal rule….so, now I try and comment on those few projects that I find truly interesting. In the world where we can basically carry our computers with us in our pockets, it shouldn’t be too hard to leave one or two comments on a link party….right?

Finally, make sure you have a good, solid following before jumping in and hosting a link party. I didn’t start my party until I had reached over 500 followers and I thought that provided a good base for a link party. If you’re just starting, make sure to get your follower-base pretty large, and filled with dedicated readers. You know who they are—the people who comment! All in all, link parties are fun and a great way to communicate in blogland. Have fun with them!

And now, Cassie from Primitive and Proper, You know POWW every Wednesday.

Here is what she had to say.

As with any good party, you want to make sure you are there to enjoy
most of it!  So get yourself linked up soon after the party opens.
If you do that, you will get more visits as more people pop over to
join the party.  If you wait til the last minute to link up, you
probably won't have as many people visit.

Make sure the photo you use for the thumbnail is clear and eye
catching.  When I link up furniture, I often use a picture that shows
just one corner of the piece of furniture... if it shows the whole
thing, sometimes it can be hard to make out in a tiny thumbnail.

Oh, and when leaving comments for other partygoers, BE ORIGINAL!!!!
There was one blogger in particular who would leave me really nice
comments when I started out.  I discovered that each week she came up
with a new line and copy and pasted it into everyone's comments.  I
stopped following because I thought that was a cheap way to seem
sincere.  Mean what you say, and come up with something clever.  You
are a creative blogger, so you can do better than , "I love it!"

Not always necessary, but certainly always appreciate by the host...
leave a comment on the party post!  Thank the host for having the
party, and if the host shared a project, try to comment on that as

Bonnie, From House Of Grace. The hostess for Twice Owned Tuesday!

She and I actually spoke on the phone, so this is me paraphrasing.

Bonnie recommends, great pictures, follow the rules of the party, and have a great time commenting. The more you comment the more visitors you will get to YOUR site, and who doesn't love that?


And last but not least our mystery hostess.


Here is what she had to say:

One thing I have noticed is a lot of bloggers think the only reason the hosts wants a link back is to increase their readership.  Yes, it is true that hosts do hope to increase their readership, but that isn't the main reason they are asking for a link back.  The real reason is so the participants who have worked so hard to create a post and link up will get a lot more visits if all the blogs do link back to the party.

That was news to me!

Now, I am looking for your opinion. What are your thoughts on having a text link on your post to a page of link parties? Is this a party DO or a party DON'T? The jury is still out on this and enquiring minds want to know your thoughts!!

Also, what are your feelings about linking up the same post week after week? Party DO or party DON'T?

Now lets give a gracious THANK YOU! To all of the wonderful hostesses who helped me write this post. I know I learned a lot. And consider yourself personally invited to their great link parties!


  1. thanks so much for having us here! hope it helps!

  2. Sarah I must admit I agree with all the hostesses. Follow theme rules, comment back with original provoking ideas (I get so annoyed by 'so cute, love it'), link early, use a good thumbnail photo, don't link up same post more than once at a party. Am I too harsh? Constructive criticism is my best friend.

  3. Great idea for a post! I'm in favor of a text link to the party, but I'm interested in seeing what other's have to say,

  4. the post was great and i like going to the parties because i enjoy seeing all the other projects and i always comment when i like something. i love comments and i know everyone else does to...
    thank you to all the hostesses!!! THEY ROCK!

  5. I'm new to all this and hoping I'm not having bad blogging manners. Some days, I link up to almost 20 of them. It got just plain silly to post 20 buttons at the bottom of each post, so now I just have a text link to a page of all my link-ups. Now I'm worried it's a party don't.

  6. Don't worry! I have a page for link parties too and I certainly don't know the right answer. Even the hosts didn't know if this was a DO or a DON'T, that's why I am asking all of you. Let's find out, what do you think?

    I think it is certainly easier for ME to link to a page, it is more organized and easier for me to keep track. Having said that, I am sure that most people don't look at my link party page which in turn probably doesn't bring more traffic to the party... so I don't know the answer...

  7. This is interesting. I have a relatively new blog and am still figuring out this and that. It takes me forever to open all those pages into new windows and copy/paste, copy/paste all the buttons into my post when I link a project to a party. I do it, but I now see why some people just link to a page that lists all the parties they participate in - or do a text link. It makes sense...easier coding, right? Thanks for doing a post on this!

  8. Thanks for posting all this info... as for me, I had my first linky party a few months ago and only 18 people showed up... bust! I'll try again sometime. I link up all the time, I like the idea of having a link to a text page, it is sincere and looks so much neater on the post pages then 50 buttons.
    As for linking up the same post week after week... I think every week should have a brand new project. Nobody wants to see the same thing every week!
    Thanks for posting!

  9. Hey all! It wa so fun to come over and see my smiling face at Sarah's blog. ;) I thoughtni would respond to her questions at the end of the post. First off, I háček a sidebar listing all the link parties I join throughout the week. They change and grow depending on the hostesses regularity of the party. And sometimes, I just want to try a new audience. I think it's polite to at least have the link party button somewhere on your page. Not necessarily on your post, but definitely on your blog.

    As for your projects, a new one each week is also polite, I think. In the beginning I tries to link up a new project each day. Man, I was tired! But, really, just follow the hostess rules! You can't go wrong!

  10. P.s. Sorry for all the spelling errors up there! These iPads are still a mystery to me. ;)

  11. This is an interesting conversation. I haven't been sure about the link up etiquette. When I just did a couple parties I dutifully went back and added each button to the post. But this got crazy - it just took too much time. I either had to simplify or stop participating. So then I started a page with the buttons and a link to that page. But some blog hosts wouldn't allow you to link with that.

    My final solution has been to make a master list with text links for all the parties I might participate in. I paste that into every post, so when I link up, the back link is already there. I also have a note that the buttons can be found on my Link Love page. I do want to share those links, but I can't spend the time doing it with each post and each party. I'm not completely sure of the etiquette, espcially since I might not link that particular post to some or any of the link parties. However, I figure that link is free advertising for the blog host. If it shows up even if I didn't link, that is still directing traffic over there. I figure it's nice. But I don't know. I could be going about it wrong.

  12. great tips! I too agree that you need to have a good following before you start a party. I also think that themed parties are good. My party "Catch as Catch Can" on Thursday nights has NO rules!
    I am not sure if rules make a difference, but I notice when I visit my link participants, that they don't get many comments from visitors.
    If I made a rule, comment on the link before and after, do people really follow that rule?
    great topic of discussion for sure!

  13. I'm in the same boat with Jaimee who commented above. I'm newer to the blog world and wasn't really clear on the link up parties, etc. But this is helpful and good to know some etiquette tips for the future.

  14. This was helpful, I am thinking of making a links page ( if I can figure it out )! And I love leaving comments, wish more people would!

  15. This is a great post with lots of helpful ideas! Thank you. I just recently created a "linky page." I started finding it distracting on other blogs--as well as my own--to have to scroll though miles of buttons to get to older posts. I *have* been known to look at others' linky pages to see what blogs I have been missing... ;-) So I hope the verdict is that IT'S OK!

  16. Thanks for the perspective!

    For what it's worth, here's my two cents on the link-back "controversy".
    1) I 100% think you should link back to the party in some regard. That's just basic manners :)

    2) I *don't* think there's anything wrong with a text link, because those buttons become so bulky and before you know it, your post looks super cluttered and I hate that.

    3) I also don't necessarily think the linkback has to be in the post itself. For me personally, I keep a list of where I'm linking in my sidebar - this means those links are on my site all.the.time on *every* post, rather than buried in just one post, so I feel I'm giving the hostesses more exposure than I would if I put the link in each individual post. And, it saves me time, so everybody wins! :)

  17. Great discussion Sarah and thank you ladies for all of the tips. When I join a party, I want to link back but like some of the other comments, I feel like the buttons get bulky and cluttered on my page. I prefer to use text links.

  18. Lot's of great info in your post and the comments. Lately, I have been adding a text link for each party to the bottom of the specific post that I am linking. This also helps me remember which parties I have and haven't yet linked that post to. If the text link isn't there, I know that it's safe to add one and link up... no re-posting accidentally!

  19. Thanks for the post I enjoy the parties, I make linking part of the project I allow time for it. I think its only courteous to be gracious enough to thank the hostess and follow the rules. I have a page with my links, I create a post put all the needed parties on it and sometimes it takes time but when I'm done I post it. I love making comments who doesn't like a comment? Party on ladies :)

  20. Those are some great tips from your guests and I think I follow almost all of them (I may need to revisit Cassie's idea of giving a peek of an item in the linky picture.) I know how much time I take in completing a project, getting it to post, and linking up, and I realize that others are making the same effort. Therefor taking the time to comment as much as possible, and sincerely, is really important to me. Besides, I love getting nice comments so maybe I assume others do too. However, sometimes I type out a comment and after way too many attempts (on blogs with word verification) just end up giving up.

    I love linking up to parties and sometimes to two or three parties per post (often at the invitation of a reader) but my favoured method is with a text link and I try to use their blog button as well. It works for me but maybe not so much for others.

    Finally, I try very hard to make sure that my post project suits the type of link party (reading those rules helps.)

    Hoping you have a great week, Sarah.

  21. After going back and reading through the comments, I'm wondering if a text link without the blog button might be the way to go. It seems some find all the buttons too much. Something to consider.

  22. Awesome idea for a blog post! Enjoyed listening to everyone's opinions.

    Now, if I can just figure out how to streamline the time it take me to link a post to the parties and place buttons back!! It is so time consumming that I have begun picking less to post my work to!! lol Have a great day!

  23. As a new blogger i really appreciate this post and all the wonderful information and etiquette rules. I have not joined that many linky parties but I have always used the button if i can. I think they are so creative and cute!

    However if I EVER get enough projects done to justify it I may make a list of text links - or is there a way to make a list of buttons?


  24. Great idea for a post! I feel like if you're linking up to a zillion parties, the text links or a link to a separate page with the party links is the way to go. But if you're just linking up to 5 or fewer parties, the buttons are not too cumbersome.

    I also agree for those people that link up to the same parties every time, it makes sense to put the buttons on the sidebar, and just reference at the bottom of the post something like "I"m linking up to the usual places (see sidebar for links to parties." Although keep in mind that many people use readers (I'm on Google Reader), so they don't see your link pages or links on the sidebars.

  25. Sarah, Great Question! I'm new to blog world. I've only been linking about 3 weeks so my experience is limited but ...fresh. Last week, I finished a furniture project on a Monday and began linking it to various parties but my main goal was to link it to a particular Friday party. By Friday, I figured most linky party attendees had already seen it and it was probably old news. But...I linked it anyway. I wished I had something "fresh".

    I don't use buttons...they are cumbersome but I ALWAYS credit the hostess site in the post.

    Last but not least, only about 3 of the hostesses have contacted me or thanked me for posting. I have to say, that totally made my day! I have since decided that I will comment on the hostesses posts as well. They work hard to make their sites "returnable".

    Sorry to be long know I love your blog.


  26. I came back to see what others thought about all this. I just thought I'd answer the question about making a page for the buttons for those using blogger. Go to "Posting" and the menu bar at the top says, New Post, Edit Post, Edit Pages. Click Edit Pages. There will be a "New Page" button. Use the Html tab to paste the button codes in.

  27. I'm just starting out so I am not qualified to speak "from the host perspective".

    I didn't even read blogs until about 2 months ago, when I was searching high and low for a way to do a faux tortoise shell technique on a dresser.

    I accidentally stumbled into this land of home & garden DIY blogs, and I've been hooked ever since. I was already doing all this stuff, just not blogging about it!

    Then I brought up the idea of a doing my own blog to my girlfriends, and they all encouraged me to create my own. Then I find out everyone around me INCLUDING MY HUSBAND!!! is reading blogs EVERYDAY! Yes, I've been under a rock. Two rocks actually, age 4 and 2.

    Back to the link parties. I had no idea what they were, but to tell you the truth, I find all the links to be a little overwhelming.

    I don't fully understand (yet) how one knows a link party is happening (so I am always late) and I always feel like I don't have anything to share on the theme specific link parties so I don't participate.

    Sometimes I comment short and sweet: Love it. Now I realize some bloggers feel that is rude or lazy For me, I comment the same way in real life. When a friend is wearing something cute, or I love something about their home or garden, I just say, "i love that", and we move on. I guess I will rethink my commenting style & content. ???

    I wish there was something equivalent to a business card that we could leave on a blogger's post, so that even if we have nothing to add to the discussion, we've left a calling card behind. Just an "I was here" kind of thing. Real estate agents do that when they tour another agent's open house.

    Have a nice day!

    P.S. Some sites are just too gosh-darn hard to leave comments on. Several times I've wanted to comment on something but I couldn't figure out how to leave a comment. :-(

  28. I just wanted to comment on the practice of rehashing the same project on linky parties over and over for weeks at a time. I have run into this on a few occasions where I will be looking at posts to a party and think....hmmmm, deja vu, I know I've seen that before. Sure enough it was on the same party the week before or on a different party weeks before that.

    As a courtesy, I only post projects on linky parties in the week they were completed. If I finished a project on the weekend I have a plethora of beautiful parties to visit and share with. I only link onto a blog with a particular project once. I think it's kind of lazy to constantly drag out the old projects from months past.... I know, I'll get an opinion on that one but it's how I roll.

    As for commenting, I too tried to comment on every project in a party for a while and then realized I actually had to do other things like work and sleep ;) I pick 10 projects from each party to visit, on my top 3 I leave original, sincere comments on. It's kind of my own personal Decorating Idol top 3 if you will.

    Cool convo. Thanks to our hostess and to her panel of experts for their opinions and tips!

  29. Thanks for posting this. I'm relatively new to the blog world, and the insights here were very interesting.

  30. As a relatively new blogger, I really like this post! Thanks for the helpful hints!

  31. What a great conversation. I love Denise's idea to have a way to leave a 'calling card' so to speak. Just to show a little love, but not have to come up with a new way to say that you like their project/idea.
    As a blogger myself, however, I must admit that it makes my day to read the 'sincere' comments from those who took the time to *write* something.
    Thanks for the forum to share ideas on this topic!
    oh, and I have a linky party page b/c the buttons got so laborious and cluttered and that page gets a fair amount of traffic relative to my other pages!

  32. Awesome post! Thanks!!

    Awesome post! Thanks!!

    Oops -- did I paste that twice?! Just kidding. Thanks so much for the helpful information. I really appreciate it.

  33. Such a thoughtful conversation going-really great to read & good stuff to know. Thanks for posting it!

  34. amy at my 3 monsters just totally cracked me up! that comment was the best!!!!
    i also want to add i think a link party page is perfectly fine- i am ok with anything as long as my party is somehow linked back!

  35. This is a really helpful conversation, girls! I have to echo the "comments are a bloggers BFF" remark! Nothing makes me feel more insecure than NO COMMENTS...Seriously, there was a time when I almost stopped blogging b/c my stats showed a lot of traffic & my comments were SO FEW. All I could think of was that people were rolling their eyes at me or making mean me insecure, I know!
    One thing I would like to ask & make a suggestion about is HOW do I find out when/what time a linky party opens? I've never seen this advertised for a linky party (besides the DAY of course). It sure would be nice to know. So that's a friendly suggestion that I'd like to make to the awesome linky party hosts.
    Again, thanks for this post!!


I Love Comments! Your comments are why I blog so keep them coming!!