Recipe Friday: A Super Food Dinner

It has been entirely too long since I posted a recipe. I am so sorry my foodie friends. I hope you will forgive me. Today I am posting one of our favorite meals around here. It is super easy to make, super fast, filled with about a bzillion healthy vitamins, proteins, healthy oils, AND everyone loves it.

Baked Salmon Fillets, Quinoa, Spinach Salad, and Broccoli

Salmon Fillets- I prefer atlantic salmon. It has a much less fishy taste.
Baby Spinach
Salad Dressing 

1) Preheat your oven to 375F. Cover a baking sheet with foil and place salmon fillets, skin side down. 
2) Sprinkle each fillet with a pinch of salt and juice from 1/2 of a lemon.
3) Bake for about 10 minutes or until the very center is a touch pink. Cooking time will depend on the thickness.


1) Place cut broccoli into a microwave safe bowl with a lid. I love this one from Pottery Barn. It has a tiny hole in the top to let out steam. Perfect for quickly steaming my veggies. If you don't have one like this just put your lid off center so the steam can escape.

2) Add about 1/4 cup water, close lid and cook for about 3-4 minutes. Time varies depending on your microwave. Cook until they turn a bright green. They should still be crisp. If you over cook all of the good nutrients will be destroyed. So remember CRISP!

3) As soon as they are finished steaming, I quickly run them under cold water to stop the cooking. This is great in the summer when it is so hot out.


1) Add one cup of Quinoa to 2 cups water. Bring to a rapid boil then turn down until simmering. It is finished when all the water has been absorbed. Just like rice.

2) Add 1 TBS of your favorite salad dressing to some baby spinach.

For all of my readers on the Cinch Plan, this is a perfect dinner for you. I get asked a lot what is a sensible dinner while on the plan. This is perfect.

Super Food Stats

Salmon: Is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in mercury. Eating fatty fish can lower risk for dementia and heart problems. It also contains vitamin D.

Broccoli: Contains isothiocyanates, which are compounds that may get rid of cancer-causing substances before they can do any damage to DNA. Broccoli also contains a substance that has been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells.

Quinoa: A complete protein, loaded with magnesium, fiber, iron, and calcium

Spinach: Contains vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, and vitamin B6. It’s a very good source of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, zinc, dietary fiber, and copper. It also contains selenium, niacin, and omega-3 fatty acids.

What is your families favorite healthy dinner? I am ALWAYS looking for ideas.

Are you ready to lose weight? Lets do it together!


  1. Great photos! makes my mouth water. Following you back.

  2. Hi there thanks for visiting my blog Atteatude and Chocoltae... as I now have discovered your wonderful corner of blogland! I have been wanting to try Quinoa for some time , your recipe looks so yummy ... happy friday , HHL

  3. This looks yummy! I will have to try it! Thanks for following my blog. I'm now following back. Have a great weekend:)

  4. Hello! If only I could get my gang to eat like this! It sounds wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and answering my questions!

  5. Yummm. I love salmon and I've always wanted to try quinoa!

    Thank you for stopping by my site! I'm your newest follower. :-) Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Im hungry now! :) Looks so yummy! Thanks for stopping by I am following back! :)

  7. Looks like a yummy and super healthy meal! Thanks for sharing (and for stopping by my site!)

  8. My favorite healthy dinner is baked chicken breast with just a bit of bbq sauce along with some steamed asparagus, and rice pilaf. Your recipe looks yummy. I love quinoa.

    Thanks for the follow. I am now following you back.

  9. Stopping by from the sensational weekend social hope you will come visit me on any of my blogs

  10. Great meal! I'm so glad to see that others are fans of Quinoa. It is so good! I even have it as a hot cereal sometimes.

  11. This sounds great! Glad I found you on the blog hop. After posting this comment, I will become your newest follower! I look forward to more.


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