15 Minute Fridge Clean- Up

Today at 4:30 pm I walked in the door with a car full of groceries as my hubby was walking out the door to pick up his mom from the airport. She is staying with us for the next few days.

I open the refrigerator and this is what greets me!

OH MY GOODNESS! How did this happen?! First of all I don't have any room for the new groceries. Second of all it is GROSS. Usually when I clean out the fridge, I take everything out and wash it in the sink. But this takes awhile. I had maybe 45 minutes. Plus I still had to make her bed and get dinner going. AND the twins had just gotten up from their naps. Picture me FREAKING OUT!

I grabbed my Basic H All Purposed Spray because it doesn't have a smell, works great, and is safe for the environment. I don't hesitate to use it around food. I never liked the chemical smell the other cleaners left in my fridge.

Check out these Green Credentials

1) Non-toxic
2) Super-concentrated (One bottle of Basic H2 equals the cleaning uses of 5,824 bottles of 26oz. Windex) no that isn't a typo!
3) Made from biodegradable surfactants
4) Contain no phosphates or other harmful chemicals
5) Natural
6) You can use it on thousands of household jobs- it removes, dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out: wall, windows, and mirrors, countertops, floors, appliances, stoves, sealed wood, and furniture.

Maple Syrup.

All Gone!

Don't Ask. I have no idea.

And all the groceries fit. YAY!

I usually don't keep fruit in the fridge but the fruit fly's are out of control this year. I can't stand bugs in my kitchen.

If you are interested in trying out any of these great products, stop by my Shaklee website and take a look around! Trust me you will love them.

 Click, HERE to view my favorite kits! Don't forget to join as a member, you will get 15% off for a lifetime! Plus a gift from me at check out!


  1. Shaklee is amazing! :) Great before and after pictures. You did awesome! I would have freaked out too!! =D

  2. Ahhh the after is SO much better. Great fast work! I get franctic like that when I have people coming over. Everything has to be perfect! Hope you are having a great time with you MIL :)

  3. Wow ! You made that look so nice. clean and organized in such a short period of time! It looks great and that cleaner sounds awesome!

  4. Thanks for sharing the funky before pics too... looks a lot like my fridge now ;o) great work!

  5. Ugh....cleaning the fridge is one of the most dreaded chores ever but doesn't it feel wonderful once it is all organized (an amazing how much bigger your fridge suddenly feels...LOL) Looks great!

  6. I LOVE that your fridge(before pic)looks just like mine! Cleaning the fridge is something I absolutely hate to do! The Shaklee all purpose cleaner seems to do the job though!


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