Farm Table- Before & After

Tada! All finished. Remember my little antique table from last November? Well I guess it's not so little but anyway, here is the before.

A before shot of my kitchen too.

About an hour of elbow grease and some sand paper.

I tried Briwax for the first time because it claims to stain, and polish. So, since I am at heart a little lazy and always happy to skip a step I thought I would give it a shot. And... I love it! All you do is rub it on the bare wood with a clean cloth, let it dry, and buff to a shine. SWEET!

 For the bottom of the table I used Valspar's antique white. I'm pretty sure I should just buy stock in the company at this point. 

 So much better! I love it. Next up the chairs. I have 8 mismatched kitchen chairs and need some advice on paint colors. I am leaning towards all white but I am not sure. Maybe different shades of blue? Or is that just too funky? Thoughts?

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  1. Your table looks great. As for the chairs, I'd go with white but then again, I'm pretty conservative. You've intrigued me to want to try Briwax.

  2. Looks fab! The castors are a nice touch. Not sure about the chairs. All white is a nice, classic, unifying touch. Maybe you could give them all a blue accent like a number or stencil?

  3. Wow, it looks great! I need to buy some Briwax and do something! lol
    Dropping by from Met Monday.


  4. Really, really pretty! I'd love to see the chairs in blue. What a great pop of color for your pretty kitchen.

  5. I love your table... and I'm pretty sure that if you painted all the mismatched chairs matching white it would look awesome! I love the mismatched look all in one color!

  6. so nice! I love the blue chairs idea! I just missed you on Saturday. I got to the warehouse just after you left there. I saw your table. They showed me that you just brought it in! very nice.

  7. Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for visting me and leaving a comment! I love your table...I think it turned out just fab! You have inspired me to do something with our table!As for the chairs...I actually really like the mismatched look you have going on and I think with the new look of the table that they look even better! I've had white chairs in the past too, and they get so very dirty with young kids that you are constantly wiping I prefer dark chairs so that the dirt is not so visible! Have a wonderful week! Angie xo

  8. I love it! That Briwax looks like good stuff. I hope they sell it in Australia! :)

  9. So beautiful! What a great job you did with it - bringing it into 2011! Enjoy many happy times around that table!

  10. Ok, so not only is your table gorgeous, but the entire first photo is really jaw dropping. You are turning your home into such a beautiful place, Sarah.

  11. I love it! We have an old table down in our garage that we are going to be tackling soon. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Both table and kitchen look fab Sarah...a great inspiration...
    Have a wonderful week :)
    Claudia xo

  13. Great job, I just did my table in a similar style. I painted some of my chairs white, and I have left some wood- though I might repaint them eventually. Pale aqua seems to be very in at the moment, I like the idea of numbering them too.

  14. Gorgeous table, lovely transformation.

  15. Sarah, it's beautiful! The briwax looks amazing--think I need to buy a table just so I can try it out :) I agree with the white chairs, but you could always paint one blue and see how you like it for awhile?? Enjoy your family times around that table.

  16. What a gorgeous table ... you truly gave it a farmhouse look. I'm intrigued now by Briwax! As for your chairs ... white? If you don't like it, you can always paint over the white with a different and maybe distress a little bit, revealing white (and the original stain) here and there to tie in with the table! Have you tried chalk paint yet?! I'm addicted and have painted several pieces with it. Visiting from Met Monday and am a new follower! Becca

  17. Wow, Sarah, you have really transformed the whole space to something much lighter and brighter. Love what you've done with the table as well. Can't wait to see what you decide on the chairs! liz

  18. It just looks gorgeous! Great job as always!! I am seriously torn. I think the chairs would look great in white, but I do like the idea of them being different shades of blue too. What about white chairs and you could make some cushions (or buy some) with a blue pattern. Just an idea for you! Whatever you end up doing I know it will be perfect :)

  19. Beautiful! I wish it were mine. I'm going to have to give that Briwax a try...I love the finish it gave to the top.

  20. Awesome job on the table - it looks so different! I'm in the process of painting chairs that I picked up for our dining room table. I'm using a dark blue on them, so I'll let you know how it turns out. I wanted a deeper blue for them and hoping it turns out well with the other accents I've chosen.

  21. Love it! Where do you find Briwax? Sounds like a great product...You did a simply beautiful job!

  22. The table and your kitchen cabinets look beautiful. Personally, I would paint the chairs all white, add numbers the backs, & add some colorful cushions.

  23. your table looks great, especially with your new kitchen! :)
    super job!
    chairs? sorry, I'm of no help. I don't know about those things.

  24. Awesome job! Love the dark stain against the lighter legs. I think white chairs with cushions in a fun pattered fabric would be darling :)

  25. I love your table, beautiful job! I'm sure you have really enjoyed it. :)

  26. Gorgeous! I think all white chairs would look nice... but maybe stencil something on them so they all look a little different? Also, I LOOOVE your fireplace. It's beautiful!

    Stopping by from A2Z.

  27. You know, I've been thinking that painted furniture is getting old - everyone seems to be doing it these days and not always successfully....HOWEVER, that table looks so much better! I love it. I also think your cupboards look better white. Please don't mess with the chairs! They look nice the way they are. Unless they don't look as good in person, in that case I would paint them all the same color since they already are all different. It would look too much to have them different colors.

  28. Hopping over from Home Stories A to Z. Love what you've done with this farm table!

    I also checked out some of your other diy projects. Great job!!

    Would you mind if I featured one of them on my blog? I'm working on a blog series for Old to New..things people have taken that were old and made them look new. Would love to include one of your projects!

  29. What a great transformation. I must try that Briwax!!

  30. I really like the change, as I feel it draws the eyes to the details of the table legs. For the chairs, I would think about painting them all the same color, either a pale spring-green, or a darker navy-grey.

  31. What a beaut! I loved it before but the after is wow!

    Hope you're doing well, Sarah!

  32. oops I forgot to add that I *love* the caster wheels on that table. Adds a lot of character.

  33. The table looks fabulous! This is my first time here at your blog, and I'm loving the chairs and fireplace too. I'm looking forward to reading some of your old posts :)

  34. Your table looks fabulous, LOVE the transformation of your kitchen cabinets too!! Martina

  35. Love your Table! The top is gorgeous! I also love your house--the fireplace with all the wood looks so cozy.

  36. I'm a new reader, but I vote all white chairs! I love the look of different chairs in a nice soft white. I like the blue numbers idea. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE blue, but I think your table would get lost if the chairs were blue, and now that your table is gorgeous...;)

  37. Love your table--it's beautiful. I'm considering different shades of one color for my chairs too, so I can't wait to see what you decide.


  39. Gorgeous! thanks for the info on the Briwax!! I'm a new follower :)

  40. This table turned out great! And I'm taking notes on that Briwax. I'm sharing your great staining/polishing trick at my weekly edition of Blogland's Fabulous Friday Finds! I would love it if you stopped by :)

  41. This is what I have planned for our kitchen table. I love the look & the way yours turned out. I think blue chairs in different shades would be awesome!

  42. Great redo. I love the white table legs!

  43. Found this via Miss Mustard Seed. I love the look of white legs with a dark wood table top. If it were me, I'd paint all the chairs the same color to incorporate some cohesiveness. Good luck!

  44. I shared your post on my Top 10 Pretty Things :)

  45. I just found your blog and I love it! Your table is gorgeous, as is your whole kitchen! I love the idea of adding a pop of blue with the chairs. I also love the idea of white chairs with a little stenciling on them. I'm your newest follower!
    Laurie @ Gallamore West

  46. l.o.v.e. your table. love! and kitchen. love.


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