Feeling Lost... What Happens When You Are Forced To Put Your Vision Into Words

This is actually a difficult post to write, not because I don't want to share what I am going through at the moment, but because I don't really know how to put it into words. Odd, I know.

Writing this blog as given me so many wonderful opportunities. I find such great joy from connecting with all of you and sharing what I love to do. And in doing so it has continued to grow. Which is thrilling to say the least! Recently it became apparent that I needed to contact a web designer for help with some organizational issues. I am actually very limited in my computer know how.

So I am chatting with Shari from Little Blue Deer Designs and I have to tell her what my blog is about. Ummm...... like into actual words? So I start out by saying it has a lot of furniture makeovers... and a little bit of everything else. What? That is all I could come up with and I have been putting so much effort into this endeavor and that is all I could say? Where is the passion? Where is the vision?

It stopped me in my tracks. Where do I want this to go? Not sure if you noticed, but for the last month I have been stopped. Should I continue to focus solely on furniture, which I LOVE. But I do feel like I should be putting more of my everyday life into the bog, and at times I do leave out a more personal post because It's not what a generally post about. So for the last month I have been trying to decide... and I have been just stopped. SO frustrating.

And as I have been sitting here trying to figure this out, more opportunities arise. Wonderful one's that would enable this blog to give back to an amazing organization. Ok, now I have got to get the ball rolling!

So to make a long story short I have decided to add in more family themed posts with the help of a contributing writer! AND will be working with a wonderful charity that focuses on giving aid to underserved children in the United Stated between the ages of 0 & 12. There will also be amazing opportunities for all of you to get involved as well!

So after a long month of confusion and indecision, the next chapter in my little blog is coming into vision. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you continue to enjoy it! And don't worry lots more furniture makeovers are in store and I plan on getting a bit more personal!


  1. What a wonderful post, Sarah! That children's charity is so lucky to have you supporting them!!! :-)

  2. Sarah, can't wait to see where you take your blog. You approach everything with such passion and drive - whatever you steer towards will be brilliant, I am sure! Liz

  3. Do you ever feel as though a message is being sent to you? Do you ever feel as though you just need to stop a listen? Of course you do...you just posted about it. However, I will have to say...the topic of your blog today was the topic of my Monday morning meeting with my boss. Is someone trying to tell me something? Things to ponder. This is twice within 2 hours that I have heard the message of helping others. None the less...Congrats on your new focus. I commend you. I can't WAIT to read all about it.

  4. Good for you! I think your blog should be whatever you want it to be and something that must give you personal satisfaction. I originally started my blog to simply detail milestones within my family and to share the things I love to do. That is still my goal and it may slow my growth somewhat, but it was the original goal and something that I hope I will never lose sight of. Do what you love and feel drawn toward...your personality and warmth will shine through! In your case, it already has. You might be surprised how much people want to learn about your more personal side too.

  5. It sounds like there are good things to come! Bring it!

  6. Sarah good luck with new focus, I too struggle with direction sometimes debating whether or not to incorporate personal and family photos, projects and events. It's a fine line because your blog should be about you, your life and passion but at the same time showcase projects, ideas and inspiration for others without boring them. I wish you all the best, it truly is nice to read a little bit about the real person behind the blog.

  7. I think the best blogs are those that are ever changing...it has to be inspirational and you have to WANT to write, so following this path, will sure to be a hit :)
    Can't wait and best of luck!!!

  8. I hear you loud and clear and totally feel the same way. I've been facing the same struggle and am trying to figure out which way to go as well. I didn't stop but i certainly have slowed down. Can't wait to see what you are up to next.

  9. As time passes life changes, so it's only natural that a blog will change as well. I love your furniture makeovers, but am also excited to see what else you have to share!

  10. Hi Sarah, I have to say I really enjoy blogs that have a personal side to them. I love your furniture and house projects but I also really like getting to know you. I think this is a great platform to use for charitable causes and that's a direction I'd like to take my blog as well. Best wishes with your new endeavors!! Look forward to reading about them!

  11. good luck with the new direction/focus. can't wait to continue to follow along. you are braver than me. ive been trying to decide some things for my blog as well. as a matter of fact, ive had draft post written for like 3 weeks that im just too scared to post. LOL
    so good for you for following your heart! or at least trying to. :)

  12. You have just been awarded with the Versatile Blogger Award! Your blog is an inspiration. To find out more about this award check out this post: http://eleven-o-one.blogspot.com/2011/09/versatile-blogger-award.html

  13. I am glad I am not the only one. My last blog post is very similar to yours. I too questioned where my passion was. So I am in the same boat. I am looking forward to a new chapter for my blog as well!

  14. Sarah, I have been blogging off & on since 2006 and I have struggled with the same problem as well. The problem came for me when I thought I had to hem myself into one category and I couldn't decide which direction to go. Should my blog be family or should it be something else? This question stopped me and paralyzed me with indecision for some time. When I decided to be 'authentically' me...to blog about whatever I felt like as long as it was with passion and enthusiasm, then I felt so much better and blogging came to me so much easier because I felt free to be me. Also, as you grow as a person, your blog grows as well and you become more comfortable with your blogging voice. The key for me was to let my blog be: cooking, decorating, organizing, parenting, baking and all the things that are ME and things that I love to do! I hope you feel free to be who you are as you move forward too! Angie xo

  15. Dear Sarah, just be yourself, you are a wonderful inspiration for so many, you give so much to others...don't be too hard on yourself just enjoy, go with what feels right for you, the rest is easy...:)

    Claudia xo

  16. Hi Sarah, I'm new to blogging and already am feeling the same way you are! I've always enjoyed reading your blog no matter what topic the post is about.. furniture, family, even your skin :) I think that is what gives blogs character and makes them more real - it's like catching up with an old friend.
    I'm so excited to hear about the new charity you're working with.. what a fabulous opportunity! Keep up the great work :)

    ~Jenn @ The Former Miss

  17. I've had the same questions for my blog and as a performer (I'm a cellist by profession). I finally came to the conclusion that I think the "niche" people are looking for in the world is a sincere and genuine voice.

    I'm trying to focus on being myself rather than being the self a marketing world thinks I should be. It's not easy though, at least for me...

    The term "lifestyle blog" might be liberating for you. Just share about your life :)


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