Can You Pick Your Personality Type?

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week. 
I had the most interesting conversation this week with our business team about personalities. We each took a personality test to determine where we fit in. I won't go into all of the details but maybe you can identify yourself quickly.

Blue- Disorganized & motivated by fun!

White- Compassionate & motivated by service to others.

Green- Organized & motivated by logic and reason.

Red- Driven- motivated by success & challenges

Of course there is more to it and we all have a bit of each color in us but do you recognize yourself in any of these? 

Can you guess what I am? 

What are you?


  1. Sarah most likely I am White...although I would love to be more organized and reasoning! Ha! I always think these personality tests are very interesting!

    Still many surprises coming up in our amazing 12 Days of Holiday Giveaways!! The French Basketeer has a lovely offering right now!


    Art by Karena

  2. I pretty much change from week to week. Maybe even day to day. (My kids probably say minute to minute!)

    Things have been crazy here. Are you still doing the furniture party? Probably no more furniture will get done for me until after the new year. Hope all is well.

  3. Too funny! Yes, still doing the link party, was going to wait until after the holidays to start up again:) Everyone is so busy!

  4. These are always fun to do. Most people are a combo. I'm am so a Red/Blue. There is good and bad to all 4. You want to have all four types in your business. The blues will help bring new people in because people are drawn to their fun personalities. The whites will nurture the people once they are in, but they forget to take care of themselves. The greens make sure the books are perfect, but they need help being decisive. The reds delegate and make sure everyone is doing their part, but they can get bossy. The reds are usually the CEO types. Which one are you?

  5. These are always fun to do. Most people are a combo. I'm am so a Red/Blue. There is good and bad to all four. You want to have all four types in your business. The blues will help bring new people in because people are drawn to their fun personalities. The whites will nurture the people once they are in, but they forget to take care of themselves. The greens make sure the books are perfect, but they need help being decisive. The reds delegate and make sure everyone is doing their part, but they can get bossy. The reds are usually the CEO types. Which one are you?

  6. Haha Shannon that is sooo funny. I am totally a red with a little blue. So sad. I have come a long way on my bossy tendencies, but it has certainly been a long struggle! I'm trying to embrace my inner blue:)

  7. I'm guessing you are a little bit of blue and red. More blue because that was the first picture you put up? LOL

  8. I was guessing you might be a red. I'd say I'm probably a red/green with emphasis on the red. They seem to be the most me.


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